Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Can I join the Military Post-Op?
Hi Sheresa:
I made the post a month or so ago wanting to kno abpout going back into the service after a gastric bypass. i have found a national Guard Recruiter who is willing to do it. My doctor says he is willing to do a letter. But We are having a hard time finding a format for the letter.
Do you happen to have one or has your doctor done a letter for you. I was wondering what they need to put in it. Basically the surgeons aid wanted me to come with a format of what I needed already layed out.
I would apprediate your help, and i hope you are able to get in. God knows I'm trying. I don't take no for an answer very easily.
Thanks, Tom

Topic: Triwest/Tricare appeal
Does anyone have a basis letter for an appeal that they used for Triwest/Tricare, that worked? I am trying to help my friend Becky P. appeal her breast reduction denial.
Any advice or info. most welcome.
Topic: Hello everybody, Question about PCM/PCP
We are stationed in Fort Lewis, WA and I just found out that the PCM (he is not a Military PCM, but takes Tricare Prime) I have been seeing is leaving and I was wondering if somebody on this board knows of a good and very friendly (very important) PCM/PCP that is in or around Fort Lewis, WA?
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Topic: RE: Anyone know anything abou...
Tom ~ Our son just joined so we've been looking through the regs pretty good - he'd had a couple of surgeries that were questionable. During our search through the regs, I did see a section that prohibited individuals with WLS from joining. If you know the military, then you'll understand that "there are waivers for most every thing". I know of an AD woman stationed at Elmendorf who paid out of her pocket for Lap-banding and they let her stay in.
As for GS jobs, it depends on the overseas location. When I PCS'd up to Alaska as a civilian, there was no medical clearance required for my kids or me; however when my husband came to follow me up here (he's AD), we all had to get medically cleared to be here (even though we'd already been here 15 months without him). Some locations do require medical clearance for civilians because of the lack of medical facilities.
Good luck,

Topic: Emotional Eating Class - Location Change
Everyone who is attending the emotional eating class tomorrow at Balboa Hospital. It's location has been changed to the following:
Building 3 fourth floor General Surgery Clinic/ Conference Room
If you have any questions, please email me right away.
Topic: RE: Another post-op question
I live in the Dallas Fort Worth Area....
Do you have the number to Fort Bliss?
Thank you
Topic: Foodsaver
So I have one of those vacuum seal thingies. I haven't used it in a while, but now I use it a lot. I'm tired of having the same food all week long to get rid of leftovers and to not waste $ or food.
I just take my left overs or doggie bag from the restraunt and put it in the fridge (to make the liquids, juices solid).
I then take out about an ounce or two and seal it in individual packets. These then go in the freezer, so when I am in the mood for roast, it is already seasoned and cooked. Then you just boil water and put the sealed packet in there. It warms it back up with out drying out. Then you just open it and eat!
You can microwave too, but I prefer boiling water.
Let me know what you do to keep meals different and flavorful.
Topic: Nicole had surgery today!
I'm Nicole's angel, and she just had surgery today. Can you please leave her a message on her page???
Topic: Emotional Eating
Okay the date is set for the first Emotional Eating Class, 1 of 4. If you live in the San Diego Area, it will be April 25 at Balboa Hospital. If you need more information please contact me.
We will be covering the following topics:
Getting Real about You and Your Weight
Real Goal Setting
Are you Ready
Right Thinking
Topic: RE: hello from Kentucky!!
it was brought to my attention that I made a mistake in one of the above paragraphs, when I stated "i hope we meet in Lexington this summer"...
this event will take place from Oct 26th-28th in Lexington, Ky..
Thank you all for your interest, emails and questions..keep them coming!!!
now I do hope I see you in October!!!