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Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
My hubby is a drill sgt here in Ft Jackson. We were in Hood before this

Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
I'm here! We're stationed at Ft Leonard Wood, MO and my dh is a Drill Sgt here. I had my surgery almost 8 months ago while we were still stationed at Ft Polk, LA.
Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
Hey there!!!! I am here as well.
Navy wife and had surgery in Air Force Hospital 2/26/2007.
Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
Me too, me too!
I'm Shelley, a Marine wife. We are in Hawaii!
Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
WoooooHoooooo!! Hey girl!!! We need to get this forum active! What do you think??
Topic: RE: Tricare Prime and lap band surgery
I am in at process of trying to get the lap band, but I can not find anyone that has tricare prime that has been approved for the lap band. How did things go for you? I am still praying and hoping I can get it soon.