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Topic: RE: Have you found it difficult??
My husband doesn't currently know about the surgery, he knows i'm thinking about it... but he doesn't know that i'm 100 % doing it. If he did he'd be completely against it. Well i guess maybe not completely against it and i know that he would let me do it... but not without a lot of hesitation and a bit of trying to talk me out of it. My husband has been in Iraq (Bahrain) since January, but will be back in July... He will be in Virginia though, and I will be here... So I think I'm still going to do it without him knowing, Hopefully I will have my surgery well before Mid july so that I dont have to find an excuse what I'm doing the day i have surgery... I REALLY want to surprise him... I want to lose at least a little before I see him again... Which will probably be in August or September. So hopefully I'll be able to have it in June and be a couple months out before he sees me again... I'm sure he'll be pleasently surprised.
Wow your hubby is over there for quite a long tour huh... that must suck I'm sorry hun. At least mine gets 3 months at home (well in the states, not home exactly) before he has to go back out.
Topic: RE: Have you found it difficult??
Well, I'm living in NC. My parents are in Pennsylvania and my husband is in Iraq. My mom was with with me for the first week of my recovery because my surgeon won't let us stay alone for the first week. There are times that I wish my mom was still here because she's the one who pushed me to get off my butt and do things. My husband on the other hand, is a different story. I love him to death, but he'd be here babying me and waiting on me hand and foot. I chose to do this while he was gone, he knows about me having the surgery and wasn't too happy about me doing it with him gone, because he's been so worried about whether I'd make it out ok. Now that he sees that I have, he's ok. It's also nice not being around too many friends and other family members because I'm sick and tired of explaining myself and getting critiqued all the time. I actually quit my job because my boss was so rude and ignorant about me having the surgery. Have you had your surgery yet? If not, when is the date? Do you have one yet? I had mine on March 27th. My husband has been gone since August and wont be home until November...he's in for a shock when he gets home lol

Topic: RE: Wasington DC
My husband got hurt in Iraq in Jan. 2004. He was sent to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in DC and we lived there for a year and a half. The cost of living was outrageous, but with our BAH which is somewhere around $1200.00 for E-4, we lived in an apartment in Silver Spring right down the road from WRAMC called Silver Spring Towers. The rent there was something like $975.00 (that is with the military discount!) so we pocketed a little each month. The crime was bad, I got robbed going to an ATM at night, which probably wasn't the best thing for me to do, but eventually I got used to hearing all the police sirens all night long. Don't know if that helped any, but if you have anymore questions, just ask!
Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
Hey all of you fellow military wives! I'm Amber and my husband and I are down in Fort Bragg, NC.
Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
I'm here. My name is Nikki and I am a Military Wife as well as a OH Staff Member.
Nice to "meet" you all. Glad someone got this forum going!

Topic: introduction
never knew there was a military message board. i am a military wife of 20 years. my hubby is in the army. have two kids who are 20 and 15 both still at home. wish i could say the same for husband. he is gone more than home. but such is army life.
i had rny 0ct 30th. lost 70 lbs so far. feel so much better. went from a 24 to a 14/16.
had rny at ft carson colo. no hiccups along the way. hubby was not here so my dad came to help for a couple of weeks. such a huge blessing. i have yet to see my surgeon again. i go on the 17th for my follow up. well, i had a three week visit and that has been all. so i am anxious to hear what he has to say. he did say that after a year that i can have a tummy tuck. i really neeed it but i am also scared of the pain. oh well, that is another 6 months down the road.
so please share of your info, and lets keep this board going.
Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
You count every bit as much as we do!!! Honey, Welcome to the silent ranks of the Military!!! It is a scary place and a wonderful place at the same time... Good Luck and Congrats on the Engagement and Marriage!!
PROUD Navy Wife!!!
Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
Shore duty is nice, my husband was SUPPOSED to be on shore duty starting July but he's a retard (still love him) and didn't get his request chit in on time when they found out there ship was being Decom and they would get to choose their orders. Mine is surface, he's a DC. I actually am not in VA, I was until January 5th.. The day after my hubby shipped out. I had only been there a tiny bit and didn't know anyone and would be all alone, so I came back to Colorado while he's out so that I can be with my family and go to School. Dont know if I'm gonna be moving there when he comes back either, because he'll only be in for 3 months then goes out again... but i guess 3 months is 3 months though!!!
Topic: RE: Have you found it difficult??
I am pre op as well and also having surgery without my husband around (deployed) and without him knowing. if i were to tell him that I'm going through with the surgery, he would do anything to talk me out of it... not because he doesn't love me and doesn't want me healthy... but becuase he wants me alive, he doesn't see the benefits, only the risks. I can't take a chance on him talking me out of being healthy and living again. Once he sees that Its done and over and I'm still alive and becoming healthy, I think he'll be supportive, but i wish he was supportive in the first place. On the other hand... I am very grateful to have a wonderful family who supports me and a Mother who has already gone through this almost 2 years ago.
Topic: RE: Roll Call!!! Who's here????
Yes we are stationed here, but we are on shore duty for a little while longer
. However we aren't leaving the area for a couple years as we just got orders to the USS Alasks which is in the shipyards. He's a bubblehead not surface though, lol. Are you here as well? We live in Virginia Beach Midway Manor military housing. Talk to you soon.