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Hi everyone - I had my lapband done on 1/30/08 and I am doing fine. I know some poeple experience a lot of pain and/or gas, however, that has not been my case.
I'm glad that tricare is paying for it. My total out of pocket expense have been co-pays.

Mommy O.
on 1/28/08 9:06 pm
on 1/28/08 9:06 pm
Topic: RE: Korea
Thank you so much! .. now im more excited to go
We will be stationed about an hour or 2 from Seoul in a smaller city but im sure we'll take road trips all the time.
Its funny you should say that your husband loves the smell of the cherry blossoms. Mine says Korea has a strange odor that you have to get used to. lol

Topic: RE: Korea
Hi Christy, My name is Jaye Jaye. I have been married to my husband for five years; but he has been in the army for fifteen. It wasn't while we have been married but he has been stationed in Korea twice. Both times he was stationed at Yongsan. I guess it is near or in Seoul Korea. He really liked this base and the area was nice. He said their are lots of cherry blossoms around and the smell always reminds him of Korea. He said Seoul being such a large city had lots of places to shop.(mostly knock off stuff...but still really neat street markets).
We are stationed at Fort Rucker. My husband is an air traffic controller. Alot of the pilots marry Korean women and bring them back to the states...because of this Fort Rucker has a couple of Korean resturants, shops, etc around the area. My husband has really gotten me hooked on Korean food. He says the resturants over there are great!! He said to make sure that you stick to resturants that you see a lot of American people eating and or other tourists...just to be on the safe side of properly cooked food. He also said that the best thing you can do is have a back pack if you go shopping. That way it is still easy to walk and you can keep all that you buy together!!
I am sure you are going to love it!!! Good luck to you!!! I have always wanted to go!!
Mommy O.
on 1/28/08 12:11 am
on 1/28/08 12:11 am
Topic: Korea
Has anybody been? I should be on my way there sometime in feb ..hopefully very soon.
Any advise? I'm pretty nervous. My husband and i haven't actually lived together since we got married (or before that for that matter).
Topic: RE: How was your week?
Hi Wendi
I wondered where you disappeared to. Glad to hear you're doing good.
Topic: RE: How was your week?
Well, I haven't posted much because I have been working lots of hours and trying to get through my Economics class. I had surgery on 12/28, and I have lost 20 lbs so far. Doing quite well and with no complications.
Topic: RE: How was your week?
Hi Maurie,
glad to have you, this board is a little slow but we're trying. I hope it all goes well, keep us posted. Tricare was really quick with my approval, hopefully yours will be too.

Topic: RE: How was your week?
HI there - I'm pretty new out here on the Military board. It's pretty quiet.
You are doing so great!
I'm still waiting on my sleep apnea test (which is tomorrow night) and I have a follow up with my NUT on 2/4 and my paperwork will be submitted to their board that week and then to Tricare once they are finished. So, hopefully I'll have a date by Mid February.
Sometimes it seems like it is going soooo slow and others it seems like its going too fast!
Take care