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Topic: Hello to all....
Just dropping in to say hello....I didnt know there was "military" forum. This is wonderful!! I am 4 weeks post op, open RNY!! I am looking forward to hear other military wives stories. My husband is AD AF for 12 years we have lived in SC, AK, MO, and now North Dakota, after that who knows. If any one is willing to share there stories Id love to hear it. I have been doing really well since my surgery, I have lost 30lbs.....YAYAY!!! I cant wait to lose more!! Talk to you later
Topic: Wiliford Hall, San Antonio
Has anyone traveled from another state to Wilford Hall for the bariatric surgery? I know they do it there but was wondering since they are in the Tricare South region if other Regions are available to go there for the surgery. I have heard all you have to do is pay your way there. Anyone know anymore???
Topic: RE: FT Bliss
Although I too, am not from the Ft Bliss area, my son is stationed there. I have visited him there and my daughter-in-law is an El Paso native. So, I may be able to hook you up with someone to talk to. The base has a lot of new housing going up and the housing market is REALLY inexpensive. Send me an email and I will be happy to help you with as much as I can.
Topic: Jami is out of surgery
Hi Everyone!
I am Jamis surgery angel and she has asked that I post here! I got a call from her husband and she is out of surgery and in the recovery room waiting for room assignment! She did great but is very sore (which is to be expected) anyways just wanted to tell her friends here on this forum that she is doing fine!!
Topic: RE: Lap Band at MTF
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they do both the Lap Band and RNY. I've seen a couple of people on the boards saying that though Tricare didn't cover the lap band (back before they started covering it) that they went to WR and got one.
Go ahead and give them a call to make sure.
Topic: Lap Band at MTF
Has anyone had Lap Band done at a MTF? I've been referred to Walter Reed and have no clue what their proceedures are.
Topic: RE: Am I being too picky?
I agree with Jennifer, but with that being said I want to share my experence. I was referred here in Hawaii to our Military Hospitals Weightloss surgery program. I attended the meeting and was told I was a good candidate, I had real issues with the cordinator and felt he was an ass and the wait list for the surgery through the military hospital was 18-36 months long. So with that I contacted an excellent civilian weightloss clinic and got reffered there. The military hosp only did OPEN RNY and I didnt want that, the Surgery clinic I got referred to off base not only had an excellent surgeon but excellent staff, so with that said if you arent comfortable with the military hospital contact civilian ones and see if they accept tricare if they do ask what you need to do to be seen by their staff
Topic: RE: Recruiting Duty-going to Knoxville TN
Sorry I don't know anything about TN, wish we could get stationed there though. Congrats to your dh for graduation. I hope it
balances out quickly.

Topic: Recruiting Duty-going to Knoxville TN
Anybody out there live near Knoxville TN? Hubby just graduated from Recruiting school at Ft. Jackson SC on Friday, after the graduation he was given his orders (go figure) he has to report to Oak Ridge TN close to Knoxville TN on March 21st! Can you believe that? We aren't even given a month to clear housing, find another house and school, but it doesn't surprise me we are talking about the Army. It just seems so sudden, usually we have some sort of lead way like 6 months or so to prepare. Financially it doesnt seem realistic it will be such a hardship at this time.
Hope everybody is doing good, if you would please say a little prayer for us that all this will work out without me losing my mind.
love you guys
on 2/24/08 2:03 pm
on 2/24/08 2:03 pm
Topic: RE: Am I being too picky?
well it seems like you have done your research. however with being military you dont have as much choice to be picky if you want the surgery to be covered. with that said though i think you should be comfortable with your dr, if you dont necessarly like your surgeon you can always request a different one, however you might be postponed for a date, and might take longer to get things on the road. also many of the hospitals on base are teaching hospitals, so even if your suregon doesnt have "the expiernce" there will be someone over seeing his every move, to make sure it is right.