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Topic: RE: Tricare and Plastic Surgery
I am on Tricare Prime Remote, so what I have to do may differ from what you have to do. But they told me sister that you can get a referral to a private doctor off base, and then talk to them about it--especially if the base resources are really backed up like ours are here. (The unit is deployed)
Topic: Tricare and Plastic Surgery
New here and found out about this web site through a co-worker that had gastric bypass. My question to you guys is I have TriCare Prime and was seen by PCM i have been hav abdomal pain with sit ups/exercise. I had a 10 1/2 lb 15 years ago since then nothing has been the same. 2000 I had a vaginal hysto because of problems from my son's birth. My fist child 19 years ago was also a section. So now I am left with this muffin top and now i find out that my abdomal muscles are seperated. I live near a MTF but they do panni surgery only no repair of muscles. So now what? I cant loose this belly weight no matter what I do and now all this exercise i am doing it feels like the scar is going to bust open. Can they refer me out in town to a Doctor and will Tricare pay for it? Can you guys help?
Topic: RE: Wiliford Hall, San Antonio
hi all! i was denied gastric bypass surgery at aviano ab, italy.....dr was not interested at all in helping me and sent me away. so we are headed to lackland afb in july and wondering if its available there and what steps i need to go thru to get it. some people say its a long process and others say its quick. anyone know and can give me some advice? i have been researching this a long time and thought long and hard but i cant get any drs here to discuss it. is it any different there? i need a change and need help. i have 3 sons who i need to get healthy for! i am glad to be leaving looking forward to out time at lackland!!
Topic: Military wives, interested in a paid survey?
Hey ladies,
I found this online, you may or may not be interested. If you are
interested & fit the criteria, let me know & I will get you in touch
with the lady doing the paper. You can also forward on to any other
wives who may be interested.
I know some of you may not have deployed hubby's or children @ home,
but ya'll may know of other wives who may fit the criteria.
The following is what I found. I do not know how many she has, but she needs 120 Military wives to fill out the survey:
"I am a graduate student in the communication department at UC Santa
Barbara working on my Masters thesis. I am looking for women whose
husbands are currently deployed and who have at least one child
living at home with them. You will need to fill out a survey that
should only take about 30 minutes to complete. You will receive $15
for your time!"
I took the survey myslf, it wasn't bad. If ya want more information,
let me know! My email is blouhaze@...
If you are not interested, I apologize for bothering ya'll!
Have a great day!
Topic: RE: more questions
check the post just below yours and what tricare requires is on there. they are very picky. I missed the 100 pound weight mark by 3 pounds and they initally denied me, but a couple of months later and afew pounds gained and a huge appeal packet and letter. I was approved. It can be done and I wish you luck. Check out my profile and my story is on there. If you have any other questions feel free to send me a message. Hugs, Layla
Topic: RE: He graduated Boot camp!!
I am a military mom, too. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all our military families.
Topic: RE: He graduated Boot camp!!
I bet you are very proud of him. I remember when my hubby graduated boot camp too, LONG time ago, but I remember the pride I had for him. Still do. Welcome to the family

Topic: RE: He graduated Boot camp!!
He is at Fort Lee, virginia. They shipped him the day after Grad.
Thank You...
on 4/8/08 3:10 am
on 4/8/08 3:10 am
Topic: RE: He graduated Boot camp!!
aww thats awesome! tell your son congrats. i remember when my husband graduated bootcamp. its such a cool feeling. so where is his tech school at?
Topic: He graduated Boot camp!!
I am a Army mom. He graduated boot camp... Yeah!! I am so proud. Thought maybe you guys would understand.. Pics of him on my profile...