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Topic: Tricare Prime and RNY
Hello all! We just moved to a Prime Remote (over 100 miles from MTF) and I am wanting to start the process from gastric bypass lap rny. If any one has any information to pass on to make this a smooth journey for me it would be appreciated. Do I need a referral from my civilian doc to get a cconsult from a surgeon. I am in the NorthEast region.
Thank you in advance!
on 6/18/08 4:49 am
on 6/18/08 4:49 am
Topic: san diego, ca?
does anyone live in or aound the san diego area? we just got orders there, we will be there september.
Topic: RE: Emergency Leave?
I had my surgery while my husband was in Iraq and no they will not let him come home unless it is during his normal R & R. We tried and were told no by Red Cross and his Commander, So the answer is no
Topic: RE: bariatric vitamins at base pharmacy!!!!
Thanks for the info, I will be calling Elmendorf tomorrow.
Topic: RE: bariatric vitamins at base pharmacy!!!!
I am gonna have to find out if ours carries them...Thanks for the heads up
Topic: bariatric vitamins at base pharmacy!!!!
Optisource chewable vitamins are now being carried at our pharmacy, and they taste great!!!! I didn't know if anyone knew this, so I thought that I would post. Layla
Topic: RE: Emergency Leave?
My hubby is deployed too and unless you are dying from complications he wont get sent home. They dont send the guys home for emergency leave very easily. Trust me I know I have gone through 7 deployments and 3 of them being Iraq deployments
Topic: RE: Emergency Leave?
I do not think that they will send him home unless you have complications. They consider this an elective surgery and not an emergency and from what I understand they will tell you to wait till he gets home from his deployment . His command will ask him what the surgery is for. I dont know if he has to tell them but if they find out later on he may get in trouble
Topic: Emergency Leave?
Hello everyone.. My husband is deployed, I getting surgery in september 1 and I would like him to be with me for my surgery... does anyone send a red cross messgae before for this? and what kind of paper work I need?.. its possible to not tell what you really having done??.. I just dont want so many people in my business... please someone with ths experience tell me what to do....