Can I join the Military Post-Op?
Does anyone in this forum know about being able to join the military post Gastric Bypass?
So Far I have been hearing a lot of NO's, but I thought this forum might have more answers.
If not the military, do you know of any restriction on DOD or department of the Army civilian jobs? I was wondering if they had the sme retriction if I wanted to go overseas?
Thanks, Tom
no one has responded to you yet... I will. I have not heard of not being able to join directly from the military solely because of any wls. There are active duty members that have gotten this surgery and the remain active duty. If they say no it may be because of other things holding you back. When I joined I was told that If I lie and say that I never did this or that then I would get in. They have this thing called teh moment of truth and everyone has to swear in saying that hey are "telling teh truth" but when I spoke to everyone in my romm EVERYONE Lied about something and they didn't get discharged. We did have one person step out becuase at the last minute she decided that she didn't want the military. so what am I telling you? I am sure I will gtet hate letters for even writing this- but who cares it is the god honest truth. Recruiters want to make a quota. Back to wls. If you think that they will deny you for taking charge and becomgin a more healthy individual and having wls yet you still want to join then I say do what you feel is necessary for you to get in. Write to your congressmen if you have to
i think it depends on what field you are going into. People we know who are active duty and have had it done have been medically boarded out because they are no longer deployable because of their strict diet and not able to eat MRE's.
As for DOD, GS jobs I can't see ANY reason why they would have a problem with it.
i am trying to join right now and no ative duty will even try to push my paperwork through, but there is a glimer of hope, the army national guard is willing to try and see what the doctors say. it is up to the individual doctor to make the call, there is no across the board no! you just have to find someone willing to submit your package, which is half the battle
Thanks, I appreciate your response. I am finding the same thing and have heard it may take 1 - 2 years for the waiver to be approved. But, I have heard the same thing that the battle is finding a recruiter qho is willing to push for the waiver since it is a lot of work and would prefer to put there efforts into a sure bet.
Especially since I am prior service, I understand the recruiter doesn't get credit for the enlistment so it even makes it harder to find one.
I am sure if recruitment goals were being missed it wouldn't be an issue. But, the numbers show they are exceeding their goals.
Good Luck to you,
Hi Sheresa:
I made the post a month or so ago wanting to kno abpout going back into the service after a gastric bypass. i have found a national Guard Recruiter who is willing to do it. My doctor says he is willing to do a letter. But We are having a hard time finding a format for the letter.
Do you happen to have one or has your doctor done a letter for you. I was wondering what they need to put in it. Basically the surgeons aid wanted me to come with a format of what I needed already layed out.
I would apprediate your help, and i hope you are able to get in. God knows I'm trying. I don't take no for an answer very easily.
Thanks, Tom

Hi Tom,
I don't know if this will help but we are stationed in Heidelberg, Germany right now. My husband was AD and just got out last Aug. I had a GS job when I had the surgery. No one said anything, but then, no one really knew. I mean, my boss and all my co-workers knew, but not anyone in personnel. I was working for EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program). We make sure that soldiers that have family members with special medical/education needs are stationed some place that has the appropriate level of care is available. As a GS civilian, you must release information about yourself/family members that have special needs. So it can affect where you are eligible to go. But my husband didn't even put my surgery down as a special need. I mean, once you have the surgery, there isn't much you require. Especially the farther out you get.
Just a side note...they are downsizing so much here in Europe that your chances of getting a job over here are very slim. My husband is a GS civilian now since he got out and he is afraid of losing his job once they start reorganizing things here. They are cutting a lot of jobs and a lot of people are going to be going back to the States with no job. I just pray we are one of them.
Hope this helps!!