I don't know if I can go through this again.
I had surgery Feb. 2005. A couple of months later we found out we had orders to England in Sept. Two weeks before we were supposed to leave, I found out that I didn't get medical clearance. It said it was denied due to "lack of general medical facilities". They had issues because of all the follow up appts. I had with my surgeon. Granted I had no more than any other gastric bypass patient. They said just try again in about a year. I was devastated and went into severe depression. Not because we didn't get to move to England, but because I was told I was too sick to do so. Also before they denied us, I had quit my job and voluntarily given back our brand new van (which we are still paying on). WELL last week we got involuntary orders to go to England. We have to be there by Oct. 31. The last time we got orders my husband had volunteered, though it was long before i had even thought about surgery. I have to go through the whole process of getting medical clearance again. I don't know if I can emotionally handle it if I am denied again. This whole surgery has seriously done a number on my mental health. And this next part is no joke. We bought a slightly used, but still expensive car that we will be paying on for the next 6 years less than 1 month ago. And the day my husband found out about the orders was my 3rd day at my new job. I'm just now to the point physically and mentally to go back to work. I mentioned going back to work at my last psych appt. and he told me to hold off for a while longer that I still wasn't ready. But financially we couldn't afford it, especially with the new car so I went back to work anyway. And now this. Last time I felt physically able to handle a move abroad and I was denied. Now I don't feel mentally or physically able to even go through the process. Does anyone know if this will hinder getting medically cleared? And since this would be my 2nd medical clearance denial, will this impact my husband's career? He's been in for almost 10 years and we were planning on staying in for the full 20. Any advice or tales of similiar experiences would be greatly appreciated.
I dont know how they decide clearance. But are you registered in the EFM? Exceptional Family Member? You or your husband would have to do that. It flags his record for needing extra medical care. We did it for our son, so it basically keeps us stateside due to lack of facilities overseas. If they do deny clearance(which I dont see why...they speak English there, so medical care is not difficult) I would go ahead and do the EFM so they cant disrupt your life anymore.
I was classified as EFMP because I had gastric bypass. The only effect it had was it slowed down dh's orders when we came to Hawaii. To be truthful the system here has pretty much ignored me and I the last time I went to see a doctor they didn't even have my records and had no clue how to answer the questions I had regarding my aftercare. Good thing I'm almost 2 years out and pretty much know what I'm doing! I was able to tell the doctor what meds he couldn't give me since he had no clue.