Wasington DC
My husband has the opportunity to relocate to Washington DC. We are looking forward to it but we are concerned with crime and the cost of living. Can anyone give me the name of cities that have reasonably priced homes and some what low crime. We wouldn't be moving for about another year but I am so excited.
We have been in Sumter for almost six years.

You didn't mention what base you were relocating to? We have allot of military bases here and that will determine where you will want to live. I've lived in the MD/DC/VA area on and off for the past 6 years and I will say this BE PREPARED TO SPEND SOME MONEY ON HOUSING. I would suggest you and your husband seriously consider base housing as an alternative and get on any waiting lists now.
Housing under $300k is extremely rare in so called "good neighborhoods". I was able to buy a house (4 bed/2.5 bath), not a townhome for $235k back in 2002 but when I went to sell it a year later the market had escalated tremendously and houses were no longer going for that price. And now those same homes are going for $450+. I had to move 30 miles out from my job in Arlington to Charles County, MD in order to find that house or any affordable housing.
Now we live in VA and the average house price 35 miles west of DC is starting at $500k going to $700k. It all depends on what you need you mentioned you have a family of 5 so that means you will need some space for your boys. Townhouses are popular but I found having to live on several floors to be a bit of a drag and now they are becoming expensive and often times do not have a garage (depending on their age).
If you happened to be stationed at Bolling or Andrews you will more than likely want to stay on the Maryland side and you will find more affordable housing in that area but it will be steep. Also be prepared for traffic, TRAFFIC IS NO JOKE IN THIS AREA! Make sure any place you decide on provides you with a commute you can live with. Traffic begins to hit at 5 a.m. to 9:30 a.m and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Being near a Metro station is a plus but it will cost you - location, location, location.
As for crime, it's all relative, this is a huge metropolitan area and you will see more crime here than probably where you are from but if you are careful and observant it shouldn't be a problem. I feel safe in this area and have not had any problems. As in all cities you avoid the crime ridden areas, especially after dark.
You will find this area to be quite beautiful, full of diversity and the people are actually very friendly. If you are interested I have an acquaintance that I worked with at Weichert Realty that can help you she's licensed in VA and MD and she's very helpful.
Have a happy new year and good luck on your PCS.
My husband got hurt in Iraq in Jan. 2004. He was sent to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in DC and we lived there for a year and a half. The cost of living was outrageous, but with our BAH which is somewhere around $1200.00 for E-4, we lived in an apartment in Silver Spring right down the road from WRAMC called Silver Spring Towers. The rent there was something like $975.00 (that is with the military discount!) so we pocketed a little each month. The crime was bad, I got robbed going to an ATM at night, which probably wasn't the best thing for me to do, but eventually I got used to hearing all the police sirens all night long. Don't know if that helped any, but if you have anymore questions, just ask!