Ideal Weight
Just to let you know... it really fluxuates with Tricare! There really is not a magic number because they also take into consideration co-morbids and stuff. I am 5'4 and I was approved at 238 because I was over 40%BMI and I had co-morbids. I have seen people get approved at even slightly lower number with severe co-morbids. LOL!
So did you get approved?
Brightest Blessings~
Jamie M.

That is SUCH BS! I am so glad that you got approved tho! I could not imagine moving 4 weeks post op though. GOOD LUCK to you! Man, that is nuts. Here at Campbell they will not allow you to have surgery unless you can be here at least a few months post op. Some places within Tricare will not let you have surgery if you are due for PCS within a year of your surgery. It seems to me that Tricare is really inconsistant.
Since I am having surgery on base I did not even have to go through any formal approval process, at least that I have seen. LOL! Perhaps it is because my surgeon is the cheif of staff? Who knows...LOL!
Goos luck... I am so envious... I am still waiting for an OR to open up so I can have mine!

I know MAMC moved up my surgery date in part due to the fact that we were *suppose* to PCS in March and they wanted the surgeon who did my surgery to see me for at least the first 6 months for consistant aftercare.
Unfortunately for a globe wide health care system they sure do seem to have different rules everywhere.
*halfway to goal*