Army Reservist's Activated Wife
I am a reservist's wife from Nebraska who is awaiting my consult with Dr. Sudan on Jan. 9, 2003. My husband was just mobilized and it sounds like he will have to serve up to 2 years.
He did the active duty thing back in '89 - '92 and has already done one tour in the desert. We know what to expect but that doesn't make it any easier. Our girls our old enough to worry about their dad now. And I really worry about them. I know that my husband and I will make it through this. Iit will be difficult, but you do what you have to do. It's just my kids that break my heart! Now when I have my surgery, he won't be here for our girls. I know that they worry about my weight and my health probems.
I just want to get healthy for my family, so that I can be around for a LONG time and spend quality time with them. Does anyone know how TRICARE is in dealing with WLS? Any information that you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you-
Allison - I just stumbled across your post. I am a military wife as well. Just wondering if hubby went and how you are doing? Did you have the surgery? I am looking into it with a doctor of mine. I am not sure about Tricare but can share what will happen with mine if that will help you.
Good luck and God Bless.

Hi Allison! My name is Sandra Matthews. My husband has just been mobilized for Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has now been gone since January 4th. We have three small children (8 1/2, 6 and almost 2). I know what you mean by it being hard. This is my first time dealing with military life this close! I just take it day by day!
Sorry I can't help you with the Tricare question...our family is eligible as of March 1st, so it's all new to me!
I know you posted your message a while ago, but I was looking through different message boards today and wanted to say hello!
Hope to hear from you soon!
Take care.
Sandra Matthews
hi, my name is sharnell and my husband is active duty in the navy i just had the wls on feb.11, 2004 and tri-care was great they approved me in one day also they have to give you know something within 3 working days so once you have all your paper work done like psychological evaluation and diet evaluation and what ever else your dr. whants you'll be ready to go it took me a total of one month for everything meaning see the dr. for consult turn my paper work in and get a surgery date and it would have been sooner but i didn't have my diet eval ready tri-care is real good the the wls they may not be good at any thing else but there good at this
I hope things are going well for you and your family. Have you had surgery yet or are you any closer to having it done? If you have any questions... I will be more than happy to help. I had mine done in Dec. through a civilian. My husband is active duty and is currently deployed as well.
Best of luck!