Checking in
Hi everyone,
I thought I would stop by and check in to see how all are doing. It will be 6 weeks this Friday since I had surgery (hard to believe). I am now working on adding back as much regular food as possible to my diet. Since having RNY, I am down 27 lbs., which by what my excel graph says, I am doing better than expected and should be goal by the end of summer if all goes well. I have just started working out again in the gym at work. I now have 4 workout buddies and we all go at lunch time. It is nice that my coworkers are so supportive. My birthday was yesterday and with all the snow here in the Chicago area, my hubby will take me to Red Lobster this weekend to celebrate. I also went shopping the other day and made out like a bandit. Wilson's Leather was having a clearance sale, so I walked out with an Executive bag, a purse, and wallet for approximately $75. Then I went to Shoe Carnival and found this really sexy pair of shoes that change colors, and they also had a buy one on clearance get two free on clearence, so I walked out with 4 pairs of sexy high (4") heels for $60. I just can't wait to go shopping for new clothes.
Sounds like you had a great time. I am in the process of rediscovering heels again. I haven't worn them in ten years. But I'm starting to love them again.
I think I'm just stuck in the blues. I want my hubby home
, but that's not going to happen for a while. Thank goodness he's only in Georgia, but right now even that is too far.
On the bright side, I'm hoping to finally cross into "One"derland this week. It escaped my grasp by 1/2 pound last week.
All things considered I am loving life as this smaller healthier person.

Congrats on things going well for you. It sounds like you are doing great. I have not been shopping yet. I am trying to wait it out and see how things go. But it sounds like you caught some good deals. Keep up the good work. Exercising is a good thing. Me and a girl I work with go to the Y on our lunch break. We even have others wanting to go with us. We are thinking about asking for a corporate rate at the Y.
Well anyway. Good Luck to you.