I am going to MEPS in 2 weeks
I was wanted to know if anyone has joined the military after WLS? I talked to a couple of people and they said if you had no serious medical problems before you could get a waiver. It is up to the doctor. If you have any information please PLEASE contact me at [email protected] or reply here.
Thank you
It is my understanding, that the answer is no they will not accept you, but maybe I am wrong.
My DH was in the Navy and had a surgery that was similar to WLS to treat his GERD. Well, approximately 2 years following, he was given a medical retirement. He was put on shore duty until given the clearance to go back to sea. While one board found ok, the medical board said no.
What are you looking to go into? I was going Active Army and at the last minute went national guard I was going to switch after I was done with my training. Now I love having the option. No most will not let you in if they know you have had wls I never told them and they don't know. I had looked into the navy a few years ago and they might. Good luck to you If you have any questions let me know.