Re Gina
Hopefully she will check in soon. I think her surgery was suppose to be November 28th, and you know TeReesa had her surgery on the 30th I believe. I will be glad to hear back from both of them. Liz will also be having her surgery soon. I am just so proud for everyone. What a Christmas present we have all gotten...just think this time next Christmas we should be considerably smaller ; if we stick to the rules.
Jaye Jaye
Hi ladies,
I am here. I actually got home on Friday, but the computer has been acting up
I am doing great. Surgery was on Wednesday and it went well. I am so happy to be home!
I am still sore, but not really in pain. The gas pains are probably the biggest problem right now.
So does anyone have any good tips on how to deal witht he gas?? LOL
Thanks for thinking about me. I think the computer is better now (fingers crossed), so I should be around more.