I Need Some Encouragement
Hey guys, I need some encouragement.
I am starting to get worried about my approval from Tricare. My doctor's office submitted my paperwork last Monday and I still have not heard anything from Tricare yet. I am just starting to get worried. I have not been able to sleep really well because of it. I have read that some people get their approvals, or denials, in 2-3 days. Well it is day 6 for me. I know Tricare is closed on the weekends and tomorrow is a holiday- so my weekend is REALLY long.
I called Tricare twice last week and they tell me all my paperwork is in and that it takes 7-10 days to find out the results. My doctor told me that he doesn't see why I wouldn't get approved. I am just being impatient I guess. I guess I have just come this far and now I am worried I will be denied.

I think from what I have learned on here is that your feelings are very normal realistic feelings. The only thing I can tell you is that as long as you fit the "profile" then you should have no problem. I know that you already know what tricare requires of us all. I honestly to date have not seen anyone turned down as long as they meet the requirments. So all I can say is try not to worry so much now, worry can drive a person
Please let us know as soon as you hear the GOOD news.

I was also told 7-10 days for approval. I have access to check my claims and authorizations on the web. My paperwork was "in process" for two weeks, so I called them. I am glad I did because they had a question regarding my dr. and then they informed me that I was missing a few other items. I am now jumping through the hoops and getting all of it attended to.
I too am not the patient type, so I know what you are going through. Tuesday is just around the corner.
TaReesa, I know exactly how you feel. I think everyone feels the same way. YOU have done everything you need to do, now you are just waiting on the final word. That is the hardest part ; because it is completely out of your hands. Like all the other people have stated as long as you meet the requirements Tricare is one of the easiest insurances to deal with. I don't think you are going to have a problem at all. I could tell you don't worry and try to stay busy; but that advice didn't work for me. I worried and worried...it is the not knowing that is madening.
I can tell you that once you get the approval things will flash forward. I think I had my approval , saw the doctor, made the appointment, and had the surgery within a three and a half week period. I am praying for you
and I know it will all work out.
Have Faith,
Jaye Jaye

Thanks for the encouragement from everyone. You all are right, it is the waiting that is so frustrating. I was told in September that I was done with everything. Then Tricare said I wasn't. So I had to jump through hoops and wait some more. Now my paperwork is in and I am waiting. I am just so ready for this. I am just nervous about getting denied.
I felt like I have come all this way and a denial would be a heartbreak. But I am trying to think positive. So thanks again everyone. Hopefully I'll hear something on Tuesday.

Remember that most are approved. I don't know what is taking so long, but sometimes they do get slow. You do meet the weight requirements don't you? If you do you will be approved. I would tell you to be patient, but I can't be. I totally understand. Now I am just impatient to lose more weight. Hang in there. I hope You get it Tuesday. I think they offically say it can take 2 weeks, so if they are backed up it may take that long. Diana