UPDATE - Still in Process
My dear friends, here is an update!!! I called Tricare this morning on my drive in to work. I found out that there was a question in regards to my file. You know it is going to be a rough day when the first thing you want when you get to the office is a stiff drink.
The nice lady who answered the phone listened to my story and then checked the system. Here is the scoop.
The nurse assigned to review was questioning why I was not seeing an in network doctor. I replied that I could answer that question and that I would be more than happy to talk to the nurse. I was then transferred and left a voice mail which was promptly returned within five minutes. I explained the situation regarding the use of a out of network doctor, because there are no in network doctors in Illinois. She said she would continue to review and have an answer by tomorrow. I asked if possible today? So, she said heck lets doe this over the phone. Now mind you when I started this whole process I called the insurance company and asked specifically what would be needed for submission. No one could answer the question. Any how, She asked if I had done a supervised 6 month diet? Um, I did back in 2000, but that is not listed in the benefits/exclusion as a requirement. She asked where my EKG, Dr. letter of fittness, Dietician visit, and Pulmonolgy results were. I said excuse me? I was informed by my surgeons office that all that was need to submit was the Form Requesting Authorization, Letter of Medical Necessity, and the Psyc eval. She informed me that I needed this stuff prior to being approved. I said that the surgeon's office has not informed as to what I will need prior to surgery and I can't get this information until you approve me. Now I am in the catch 22 situation where I need this for approval, and they want me to return to the Navy Hospital for all these test. I explained that where I am going is a program and not some nut who just cuts on people for the heck of it. She said that to clear this up she would call my surgeon's office and talk with them, and then call me back this afternoon. As soon as I hung up with her, I called Maggy and told her what was going on. She about flipped. So now I am sittiing and waiting for these phone calls. The saga will continue....
Thanks to everyone with their kind words of support and the ability to let me rant, vent, cry, whine, and what ever other emotion I have expressed.
I can understand your frustration. I had a similar situation happen to me. I was told by my doctor's office that I only needed to complete 4 exams. I got those 4 exams knocked out in 2 weeks. I was so excited. I was done with my test by the end of September. Then I went in to set a date. I was told then that I had to get 3 more test done. I was like WTF!!!
I was SOOOO pissed. I almost thought about finding a new doctor, but I knew I would have to start completely over. Then the other tests that I needed, I couldn't get in right away. One I did not get done until last Friday, November 2nd. Mind you, I got all my other test done in September. That waiting sucked. I called every other day almost to see if there was a cancellation. No such luck. My doctor's office finally submitted my paperwork Monday afternoon. I called Tricare yesterday to make sure they got the paperwork. Your last post had me calling again today. I just got off the phone with them. I wanted to make sure there was not anything my doctor's office forgot. Luckily there was not. But they told me that it may take 7-10 days to process. The doctor's office did not put a priority on the authorization. So now I am just waiting- trying to be patient. I wish you the best. I hate how things turned out for you. But it will all work out for the best. I believe that. Keep your head up.

Wow. I can't believe what you are going through. Have they changed their policies in the last 3 months? I didn't have to have a 6 month diet and my EKG was done the day of surgery. I didn't have to write a letter, maybe the dr did.
I can't believe what you are going through. I am pulling for you. Good thoughts are being sent to you. Diana