I have a date .... Nov. 1 st
Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be so soon. November 1st.....I am so nervous , excited,scared etc. (all emotions coming at me at one time)
It just so happened that Nov. 1st was open. IF I had not taken this date...the next surgery time would have been Dec. 5th. I just want to have the surgery behind me.
I've just gotten in from preregistering at the hospital and my mind is still realing from everything. I haven't even called and told my mom and dad yet.
Thought I would share my news.
Jaye Jaye
Nope the coordinator never gave me a date ...she said it should be within two to three weeks; or at least before Christmas. She said that a different nurse would do my appointment after my consultation with my Dr. ( I was guessing it would be around the middle of November)
I didn't get my date till today after I met with my surgeon. He said everything was good to go and someone would be in to set up a date for me. She said Nov. 1st and if I chose to wait the next available date would be Dec.5th. I am just ready to get it over with. I went directly down and preregistered at the hospital. I am still really so stunned. I was not at all expecting a date so soon; but by all means I took it

I have all my meeting with the surgeon, I could not take the earlier date due to my mother in law. She is coming to help during and after surgery and my sister in law is due to deliver mid November, so she wanted to be there for the birth. So that is why I had to wait. I do not mind though cause my Aunt is a traveling nurse and she will be working at the hospital I am to have surgery in. She starts on Monday and I have surgery on Thursday.