endoscopy question
on 10/18/07 2:26 pm
on 10/18/07 2:26 pm
so i have made the appt for the egd, however is this like a conulation then i have to do preop stuff and then get it done. i am not sure how the process goes for the endoscopy. i am thinking however, dont know is that they will see me and do any pre op stuff then i go back to get it done. can you gals please tell me how your process went. also once you get home from the egd did you sleep the remander of th day. and how long did it take to get the results. like will the dr tell me in recovery that i have gerd and a hernia, if i do. or what. please any input would be greatful.
My endoscopy went well. I was nervous about it, but it was fine. I found out my results that same day. I had a hernia repair done in 2004 and the doctor saw that and he told my husband that I have an ulcer. The doctor prescribed me some nexium and I have been fine since then. I slept all the way home, which was about a 45 minute ride. Then I was fine after that. When they scheduled my endoscopy, I was sent some papers to complete and bring with me. I couldn't eat before the endoscopy. The nurse told me that some people go to sleep and some don't. I did. I was told to count from 10 to 1. I don't remember getting past 10.
I didn't even have a sore throat afterwards. The nurse told me that some people have a sore throat, but I didn't. I don't even remember what happened after I said 10. I just woke up in recovery. I think the whole procedure, recovery and all, took about 1 1/2 hours. Don't stress about it. Its not that bad. To me, it was one of the easier appointments I had. Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes.

its really not that bad, I was one of those that didnt go to sleep and the only thing that bothered me is when they sprayed that medicine on the back of my throat to numb it, I couldnt feel myself swallow, that was weird feeling and the spray tasted a little on the nasty side to me. Other than that it was a piece of cake, nothing to worry about, the sleeping med**** me after it was over so I slept for a few hours afterwards. Don't worry you will do fine. I didnt even have a sore throat the next day.
Donna S
Ft. Stewart GA