pysch is done
on 10/9/07 1:32 pm
on 10/9/07 1:32 pm
after being anxious and stressing about the pysch eval. it was really a piece of cake. it took only 30 minuets. he said he is going to write me a letter and will have it faxed within 24hrs saying he feels i would be a good canidate, among the other things he has to put in the letter. just so releaved..urg though i have to get a pap smear done, however i am having woman issues..i have been bleeding for 30 days now. i went to the dr and she put me on another birthcontrol and said hopefully i will stop bleeding within a couple of weeks..isnt it ironic that one of the easiest steps i have to get done to get the surgery is going to be one of the hardest and longest. i did tell her how this is making me have to wait longer to get the the surgery and she just said all in due time, you'll stop bleeding. anyways how is everyone doing? i' d love to hear a update on you gals. how much weight have you lost, or what part of this journey are you at?!
Sorry to hear about your woman issues. WOW 30 days that is alot. I hope everything works out. Well as far as my process, I have one more appointment before I submit to tricare for approval. I have my cardiac eval November 2nd. I am hoping for a cancellation so I can have my appointment moved up. I had my pulmonary eval done Monday. That was not too bad. Good luck to you in your journey.