Still around but surgery process is stalled
Hey! How is everyone? Everyone doing good with the new plumbing? LOL I havent had the surgery because I didnt want to pay $2000 for fees, so I decided to wait to move to No Carolina. I found out that I can go to Cherry Point and if I have to go to DC for my surgury, Tricare will pay for my airfare there! I was thrown back on that. But I am pleased! And then...if I need a tummy tuck from all the loose skin, Tricare will pay for that too! Cool! I got all of this information from the Tricare rep at Luke Air Force Base here in AZ...I hope she is true to her words.
So I wait for my husband to leave for NC to get a house for could take 2-3 months or sooner, which comes first, base housing or a nice rental house. Once I get there, I will get my referral to a bariatric surgeon and I can imagine that can take FOREVER...but in the meantime I will be quitting smoking. I would be smoke free for over 3 months by the time I am ready.
Eventhough my process is stalled, I am still around!

Hi Julie . I know how it is to have your surgery stalled. At least you have a good idea of the process, and you know what to do and how long it will take. Just know that you will get there, and with Tricare you will still have the surgery faster than someone with BCBS or some other insurance that requires a six month diet process. So all in all that is not a bad deal. There are several women on the base I am at now that had the surgery three or more years ago. All three women got tummy tucks and breast agmentations(sp). The only complaint they had was for some reason Tricare had them do these in two seperate operations; but at least they paid for the surgeries and everything. Tricare will not pay for breast implants ; but they will pay for the agumentation (lift) which is fine by me.(or at least that is what everyone keeps telling me.
Jaye Jaye
Julie, I'd probably do the same thing if I were you. $2000 is a bit much! You've probably already said, but were in NC will you be stationed? DH, I and the kids are got to Fort Bragg at the end of November. Will we be any where close? I did a quick search a long while ago for surgeons there, hoping to find a good support group to join. I'll have to do a real search for one soon.
Oh, and while we were stationed at Fort Polk, LA (back in 2004-5) I went in to my PCP (as I had many other times in the past) for weight loss help. He told me (he was a very optimistic guy!) that once I lost all my weight, if I wanted he'd put in a referral for a tummy tuck. He said the Army would pay for my travel to Fort Sam Houston, TX and all other expenses too at 100% while I was there. I'm thinking Walter Reed probably does this too. That will be something I'll be bugging my PCP about after I get to goal in NC.
Jaye, I think they (plastic surgeons) do the TT and BL separately because of the way they are pulling the skin in each surgery. The TT the upper tummy is pulled down to meet the lower tummy. You don't want to pull those breasts down when you've just tried to pull them up. KWIM?
I'm kind of scared of the surgeries right now. It is one thing to have 3-6 small holes from a lap surgery. The long incision kind of freaks me out right now, but I'm sure it is worth it. Keep telling myself that!!
LOL I didn't even think of that Andrea!! I guess you are right that would put a strain on the breasts :0)
Most everyone that I have spoken to says that the tummy tuck and the breast lift hurt more than the Gastric Bypass. I am like you....I do think the pain would be worth it in the end!!
Anyways, I am glad that Tricare is helpful even after the surgery.
Jaye Jaye
Yes, we are Army! Looks like we'll be about 100 miles apart. Camp Lejuene looks like it is close to Jacksonville. Fort Bragg is outside of Fayetteville. So I'll be just northwest of you (more west than north). You will be much closer to the beaches then we will. I'm jealous!
We are excited to move to NC too. We've heard great things about it as well! November can't come fast enough!!
Again, good luck in your journey!

Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune are about 3 hours from each other. When I worked with the Army we went TDY to Camp Lejeune and worked with the Marines on a water purification system, I had friends at Bragg so on the weekends I would drive to Bragg and it would take me right at 3 hours, also depends on how heavy your foot is and there are a few ways you can go.
Camp Lejeune has cottages you can rent on the beach, and from what I understand as long as you are military you can rent them, I thought about doing that this past summer but things just didn't work to my advantage to be able to go, not sure if they still rent them out but you could check into it. I loved camp Lejeune, great fishing area, great seafood all together.
hi Julie, I was curious if you had found any type of support group around Luke AFB? I wish we knew already that we were leaving this place but guess we are still stuck here so my surgery will be here. It is being resubmittedtoday, so hopefully it will be before too long that we can get it scheduled. I had wondered about the tummy tuck and all that after so that is nice to know as well. Thanks for all the information you gave. Good Luck on the quitting smoking and if you are using Chantix, after you are on it for 2 weeks you no longer need it as it will kick the craving part but you still have to kick the habit part and I only took the Chantix for 1 week and now have been smoke free for 2 months and 3 days. Good Luck with your move, and everything.
I'm doing well. I have been wondering where you were. I'd wait before I paid that much money also. I have only paid about $300. and that was Nut and Phych eval. Tricare paid half. For Panni or tummy tuck, you just have to document every rash, sore or anything wlse you can and they will pay. and yes Tricare will pay for your travel.
You'll get it done. It will be reallly good to be smoke free for that long. It will really help your recovery.
Hopefully you will get housing really soon and be able to get settled in and get your surgery. Stay around and let us know how your move is going. Diana
Hello, Im in Wilmington NC about 50 miles from Jacksonville, I do shopping on base every weekend over there... NC is okay I still perfer Seattle Wa. my home state.. Im seeing a Doctor in Wilmington Dr. Harris. Im wondering I have tricare prime remote is there a difference in policys if your AGR rather than active duty my husband is Army . I should call tricare and see if they would cover tummy tuck also... Well hope you find a doctor soon after you arrive at camp lejeune but I believe they referrer to civilian doctor....dont have Wls at there hosptial.........