I had my ultrasound today and it was awful. I went into the Radialogy office thinking it would be like when I was pregnant. WRONG!!! When I left, I had a bruise on my right side. The X-Ray tech was pressing so hard on my stomach and rib cage, that she bruised me!!! Needless to say, I was not happy. I asked the X-Ray tech was it suppose to hurt. She said "no, but you will feel a little pressure because I am pushing on your stomach." Believe me, it was more than pressure. She kept telling me to hold my breath, but she was pushing so hard on my stomach, I kept letting it go. I was SOOOOOO ready to leave. I just kept thinking, after this I will be one step closer to the losers bench. Wednesday I have my endoscopy. I hope that goes well. After that, I will only have my psych eval and then I submit. Wish me luck.
Sorry to hear you had such a bad time, I didnt have a problem and all I felt was a little pressure nothing major. I think you had a bad X-Ray Tech, people like that shouldn't be in that field of work if they dont like what they are doing you know?
I sure hope your endoscopy goes as well as mine did, again sorry to hear that you were abused .
Donna S
FT. Stewart GA
That sure doesn't sound right. I have had several ultrasounds and never even had any pain. It was really quite pleasant. And one was looking fo ran anuerisum so they had to really get deep, I have also had them on my kidneys and had no problem there. You must have had a bad tech. Yoour endoscopy will go better. You are getting closer. Diana