WLS Ed. Class Part 2

on 8/2/07 5:40 am - Seymour Johnson AFB, NC
Well I went to my WLS Ed. Class today. It was pretty informative. I was told that I meant the critieria. I am 143 over the ideal body weight. I don't know if I should be happy or sad about that. I am happy because I meet the requirements for Tricare, but sad that I weigh that much. Anyway, I learned that Tricare is not that bad. I was listening to the nurse talk about the requirements for other insurance companies. Some insurance companies require 3 or 6 months of doctored followed fitness and diet plan, 12-13 different test, 5 years of doctored documented diet attempts, and some even want you to pay some of the cost. I was sitting there thinking- I am glad I have Tricare. One person left because he did not know his insurance required a 6 month diet and fitness plan. Tricare requires you to be 100 pounds overweight from your ideal body weight. They don't use the BMI anymore. I spoke with someone from Tricare yesterday about that. Anyway, I am suppose to have my appointments by next week for my labwork, psy. consult, nutrition consult, endoscopy, and ultrasound. The nurse said it takes about 3 months, but since Tricare does not require as many tests, it could be sooner. I am so excited. I am one step closer to my goal- being on the losers bench!!!!
on 8/2/07 10:18 am - Caldwell, ID
It has only taken me 2 months from seeing my PCP to my surgery date. Tricare is good. They want us healthy. Sounds like you are gettting things lined up pretty fast. I hope your date comes quickly. I know what you mean about not knowing if you should be happy about being qualified or not. I am to the point that I know I am this big and I have got to have some help. It is exciting to be one step closer. Hurray for you. Diana
on 8/2/07 10:48 am
I had a couple of problems with tryicare, but nothing that didnt get worked out. It has taken me about 6 months, but tricare sent me to the wrong dr to begin with. Make sure (at least in the SE region) that you go to a doctor that is "Centers of Excellence" certified. I spent 4 months trying to get everything together for the wrong dr. Since I have started witht he new dr, it has only been about 2 months. Dont be afraid to bug them!!!! Lol.
on 8/2/07 11:15 am - Seymour Johnson AFB, NC
I was sent to the wrong doctor- twice. I first was sent to a doctor who did not even do gastric bypass. Then the other doctor was a gastric bypass surgeon, but was not in network. He told me that I would have to pay $1740 if I wanted him to perform the surgery because he is out of network. I was like NO!!! Anyway, now I am seeing a doctor that is in network and performs the surgery. And his office is a Center of Excellence. I found that out today. I am so excited. The only thing I am worried about now is my husband deploying. He leaves in January, but he goes TDY for 3 weeks in October. So we'll see how that goes. I hope I could get a date in 2 or 3 months. That would be great. I finally have all my ducks in order.
on 8/3/07 1:44 am
My husband deployed in April and will be home in November. I wanted to have the surgery right after he left, but everything was so screwy it didnt work out. BUT, Monday is my big day! I'm actually glad he will not be here. It gives me a chnace to learn to eat without having to cook for someone else. Plus....I get to surprise him with a new look when he comes home. Keep us updated on your progress!
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