Roll Call!!! Who's here????
Hey Kiesha! Ok well if you're coming from the Yadkin gate you will turn LEFT at the 2nd redlight onto Canopy Lane. If you're coming from Gruber Road to Yadkin you will turn RIGHT onto Canopy Lane. You go a little ways down the road and on the right hand side (there will be a redlight there) there is a sign that says W.G. (Bill) Hefner Military Shopping Plaza. The commissary and PX are in there. Yea I got lost a lot trying to find everything here no post. lol I still do
If you need anything else, let me know!
Have a great night!

I'm new here....I'm Ally and we live near Cincinnati OH. Hubby was Army Reserve but just called to active duty. Headed to Iraq in less than 2 wks :( We have 3 kids too. I'm just learning about lap band, whether it's covered by tricare, etc.
I've had 2 c sections.....could it be worse than that??? haha.