Roll Call!!! Who's here????
Yes we are stationed here, but we are on shore duty for a little while longer
. However we aren't leaving the area for a couple years as we just got orders to the USS Alasks which is in the shipyards. He's a bubblehead not surface though, lol. Are you here as well? We live in Virginia Beach Midway Manor military housing. Talk to you soon.

Shore duty is nice, my husband was SUPPOSED to be on shore duty starting July but he's a retard (still love him) and didn't get his request chit in on time when they found out there ship was being Decom and they would get to choose their orders. Mine is surface, he's a DC. I actually am not in VA, I was until January 5th.. The day after my hubby shipped out. I had only been there a tiny bit and didn't know anyone and would be all alone, so I came back to Colorado while he's out so that I can be with my family and go to School. Dont know if I'm gonna be moving there when he comes back either, because he'll only be in for 3 months then goes out again... but i guess 3 months is 3 months though!!!