CAMom’s Posts

on 2/19/10 2:40 am
Topic: RE: Moved My surgery to 3/4 Dr.Almanza!!!!!!!
Will see you there...  Less than 2 weeks to go now. :)
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/18/10 12:43 am
Topic: RE: Had to Repost - best play by play
I sent it again... About 30 mins or so ago.

I always feel like I am bugging her. I keep emailing her to check for any cancellations. lol I want to get in and get my surgery NOW. I am free to go ANYDAY but just sitting here waiting patiently (yea right) for the 4th to come around. lol
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/18/10 12:05 am
Topic: RE: Had to Repost - best play by play
I actually did read this when it was posted... but I have read so much since then that I read the whole thing again. lol

She sent me a few pdf files for preop/postop diets. Did you get them? I am pretty sure I sent them to you in an email... along with the spanish/english translations???
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/18/10 12:02 am
Topic: RE: Big price differences between surgeons
I used Melissa as well! She is so great with answering all my questions and she is quick too!

I also saw the WIDE range of prices. I wanted to go to a doctor with LOTS of reviews. I found alot of reviews here for Dr. Aceves and Dr. Almanza. Both are great doctors... so for me if was hard to pay $3700 EXTRA when I was confident with both. Now keep in mind, that Dr Almanza works out of a clinic and Dr. Aceves works out of a hospital. The extra you will be paying is for a different level of recovery. For me... I was confident with Dr. Almanza and decided to put the extra $3700 towards a tummy tuck in a year or two. ;) hehehe

I don't know about Dr Joya. I just didn't read enough reviews about him to consider. I wanted a surgeon that had done  ALOT of surgeries from patients here on boards and I could read and see their results.

For me it took a few weeks to read read read reviews and choose for myself... that was Dr. Almanza. Oh.. and he offers a corporate rate for hamptom Inn in San Diego after you fly in. $89 for the room. I am getting a room the day before my surgery.

Good luck on your choice!

Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/17/10 11:36 pm
Topic: RE: Had to Repost - best play by play
LOTS of great info... Since I am using the same doctor, this will help out a lot. Only 2 weeks left til my surgery!!!
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/16/10 5:09 am
Topic: RE: Dr Ponce DeLeon?
Oh also.. I remember reading somewhere that Dr. Almanza works in two different clinics? That could be the reason Dr Ponce DeLeon wasn't linked to Dr. Almanza. But like I said, the website and clinic I am going through shows Dr. Ponce De Leon (and his stats) on the website with Dr. Almanza and Melissa (coordinator) books for both.

I chose to go with Dr. Almanza because I couldnt find enough patient reviews for the other doctor in order to feel comfortable with it.

Good luck to you!
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/16/10 5:06 am
Topic: RE: Dr Ponce DeLeon?
It is my understanding that these two doctors do work together in the same clinic. I am scheduled with Dr. Almanza but I asked for an earlier date and was offered a date with Dr. Ponce DeLeon. No mention of going to a different clinic for this. I was speaking with Melissa. The website lists both Doctors as "Surgeon / Bariatric specialist" for this clinic.

As for things to bring... the lists before looks good... but for Dr. Almanza's (or DeLeon) recovery house... its probably best to bring a heating blanket because its chilly in the house. (I have heard)

purel sanitizer... can never be too careful...
a good book... pass the time
dvd's... I hear they have a dvd player in the rooms.
SugarFree Vitamin drops... incase your mouth gets dry (taste like candy)
bottled water... for your crystal light

and also a list of common medical spanish phrases... (just in case you don't speak spanish)...
like, I am in pain, I need to see the doctor, Can I have some water, etc. I have a really good long list I got from another doctor that will be very helpful, if needed. I've heard some reviews saying there isn't a translator around 24/7.
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/16/10 4:46 am
Topic: RE: Hotels near Dr. Almanza's office
I'll be at the Hampton Inn on Pacific Highway... (there are two in SD).

Almanza has a coporate account with them and can get his patients the room for $89 (101 w/tax). :) Pretty neat since it goes for $120 minimum without the discount.

I'll be there March 3rd... surgery March 4th. :) :) :)

One thing to remember if you are booking a hotel... make sure they have a shuttle if you are flying in and don't have your own vehicle. Some of the hotels I researched did NOT have their own shuttle or charged for it... and some didn't even operate as early as we need it. I am sure most of us have to meet at the airport early... so if shuttle starts at 8am... you have to pay for taxi in order to get to the surgery pickup area by 7am. kwim?

Hampton Inn has a shuttle early hours (every hour on the half hour) and its free. :)
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/11/10 12:57 pm
Topic: RE: Getting sleeved in early March! Need a buddy! Dr. Aceves or Dr. Almanza
wendyvanosdell -  I am going it alone. lol I am sure it would be much more helpful if my husband went... but I am doing this all on my own and I feel confident in my choice. :) Thanks for the input.

SweetienFL - I really would love a buddy although I have already scheduled with Dr. Almanza for the 4th of March. I'll have to update you on my stay before you head out for your surgery. ;) Its only three weeks to go, less than 4 for you. ;) It will be here before we know it!
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/9/10 1:15 am
Topic: RE: April 8 - Dr. Almanza

You are ON your way!!!! Doesn't it seem so far away? My appointment is on March 4th and it seems like I have a year of waiting to do. --maybe I am a lil impatient. lol

Shame I wont be meeting you and your wife in the same week but you will find some great buddies on here! Check the forum too. :)

Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/5/10 1:29 pm
Topic: RE: surgery on the 18th.
Good luck on your surgery!!!

Make sure to update with your experience. I am still considering Dr. Alamanza and Dr. Aceves. Can't decide.
on 2/5/10 2:48 am
Topic: RE: Getting sleeved in early March! Need a buddy! Dr. Aceves or Dr. Almanza
I keep going back and forth between Dr. Aceves and Dr. Almanza. :( Even with all the positive reviews I have read for both, I just can not choose between the two so looking for buddies I can find at either place that might sway my decision making.

I really want a buddy. Someone to talk with, walk with, and recover with. :)

I plan on getting sleeved in early march with one of the two doctors.
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