CAMom’s Posts

on 6/12/10 12:25 am
Topic: RE: 3 Months Post Op
50? What? You look DAMN GOOD for 50. I thought you were my age!!!!!

Thank you everyone. :) Last night I put on a size 12 pants and went out and I actually felt........ THIN! They were a lil tight and a lil uncomfortable, lol but mentally I felt DARN GOOD. :) :) :)

My ultimate goal was to be a size 5... not sure if I can make that now. I don't want to be a bag of bones and not sure how a size 5 will look on me now. I know I would be ecstatic with an 8 or even a 10... but for me that would be an an easily obtainable area... I want to hit a goal I've never reached before... Hoping I make it to a size 6. My weight goal is 135 lbs. For my height... I KNOW I will look good at this goal with some more hard work.
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 6/12/10 12:18 am
Topic: RE: Hair Loss @ 3 Months
Agh I have weak nails too... ! Def needs something. I don't want thinning hair.

I think I'll have to hit google for the answer to this question.
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 6/12/10 12:16 am
Topic: RE: Vitamins???
HAHA You guys crack me up... lol - Yum Mango.

I am not taking anything extra for B vitamins.. so I will check it out next time I am at the drugstore. I am ready for a new multivitamin cause I just can't take this icky chewable anymore.
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 6/11/10 12:17 pm
Topic: RE: 3 Months Post Op
Just uploaded my pic to my profile. :)
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 6/11/10 12:13 pm
Topic: RE: Healthy Snacks?
OOOH that does sounds very good. I love the tuna idea... I will HAVE to keep some good crackers on hand tho.. or I will reach for the bread. NO. lol

Boiled eggs are so yummy and actually... now I think I have a craving. lol Good idea!
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 6/11/10 11:59 am
Topic: RE: Vitamins???
What are the best vitamins to take? I had a list saved before but I can't seem to locate it.

I was taking a chewable but ohh.. it is awful... So I am never taking it like I should.

What are you taking?
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 6/11/10 11:56 am, edited 6/12/10 12:48 am
Topic: RE: 3 Months Post Op
I am down 40lbs, and 43.5 inches gone FOREVER. My NEW clothes are just falling off. lol I have 30 lbs to go!!!! Having this surgery was by far the best decision I ever made. :)

I will have to upload some before and current  pics to my profile. :)

Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 6/11/10 11:46 am
Topic: RE: Healthy Snacks?
I am finding it hard to eat a lot of little meals. I want to start adding a snack or two... that is healthy. I can't stand yogurt anymore so none of that. lol I love cheese so I snack on that from time to time.  What are some of the things you guys snack on?
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 6/11/10 11:42 am
Topic: RE: Alcohol after weight loss...
I didn't know if it was just me or what... but 1/2 a drink did it for me. I couldn't get the whole thing down. lol It really knocked me good too. No more tall margaritas for me. lol I really MISS being able to order a drink or two.... but the calories... ahhh...  ;)
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 6/11/10 11:37 am
Topic: RE: Hair Loss @ 3 Months
I am in my 3rd month now and within the last week I have noticed some hair loss. :( I am sure nobody else can notice, but I see quite a bit more than normal when I shower and brush my hair.

What is your experience?
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 4/20/10 12:54 pm
Topic: RE: I'm a newbie ... sorta
Welcome and congratulations on your weightloss so far. :)
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 4/20/10 1:21 am
Topic: RE: Hmmm... would I do it all over again?
I went alone and I really don't think its completely necessary to bring someone. The staff and my roommates husband lifted my (heavy) bag for me but other than that... there was nothing I would have needed my husband for... (except for missing the heck out of him.

There was a bunch of great people there so it was a big social event. lol Make friends... you guys will have similiar interests, I am sure. ;)
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 4/20/10 12:42 am, edited 4/20/10 12:43 am
Topic: RE: Safety being anywhere in Mexico
I went with Dr Almanza's clinic and never ONCE felt unsafe!!!!

I started out on this journey SCARED. For one, because I have never been to Mexico and I had it way worse in my head than it actually was, and two... I went alone.

I was never "walking the streets". I was never "alone". The recovery houses are in a gated community too. The only type of violence I witnessed was some road rage (they drive crazy). lol You see that here in the states too. Terry did say a window was broken on their suv while at the xray lab. Don't want to scare you, just give you more info.

I had never been to Mexico and I assumed THE WORST... but I felt very safe. I had the same feeling when I was at my hotel in San Diego honestly. The neighborhood is not as nice as what I am use to and I watch things a little more closely... but all is fine and its just paranoia on my part. lol

I can't speak for how other clinics/hospitals keep their patients safe... but IMO you will be safe with Dr. Almanza. :)

Edited to add.... I didn't tell ANYONE about my trip to Mexico for surgery because I had already made up my mind and I KNEW family and friends would disagree and try to talk me out of it. I still haven't told them and probably wont til after summer when I am at a healthy BMI and it "worked". I LOVE my sleeve and wow, it worked... but others won't understand the surgery or the Mexico part until they see the final results. lol

Honey, it's your decision! You'll make the best choice!

Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 4/19/10 12:35 pm
Topic: RE: Boscogirl's Take on the Betancourt/Almanza Drama...for what it's worth.
Yep, that is him. :)

Everything was great at the clinic and recovery house while we were there. I was VERY pleased with the entire experience. I am glad I didn't see as MUCH bashing before my surgery... because I think I would have wasted $4000 going with another surgeon.  Scare tactics! Dr. Almanza was great! I will reccomend him again and again.
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 4/19/10 3:19 am

You are CORRECT! They are equipped for emergencies. Nobody else seems to mention this, just that they are not equipt to handle an emergency. Not true! Without disclosing my medical background, I will say... I was looking around for these things as well. Some of us know what to look for.  It was completely different than what I thought it would look like in Mexico (I had never been before). There was a crash cart on-site!!! Dr Almanza does have trauma training. I felt very safe! I was nervous the first hour or so when I arrived cause I didn't know what to expect... I got over that as soon as Dr. Almanza and Dr Betancourt came in and talked to us.. and I saw the OR and equipment. :)
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 4/19/10 2:58 am
Topic: RE: Boscogirl's Take on the Betancourt/Almanza Drama...for what it's worth.
VERY well said!!!!!!!! The entire time I was reading I was thinking... wow, she is RIGHT on!

I don't believe for a second that Dr. Almanza's staff let that woman leave in such poor condition. When I was there in March there was a man from Canada there. He got the lapband and his body rejected the lapband the following day and he became ill. Not the doctor's fault, not the patients fault... it's just one of those rare complications that DO happen every now and then, regardless of the doctor/clinic/hospital/country!

Dr Almanza put him right back in surgery, got rid of the lapband and gave him the sleeve. This was before I even arrived. I got there, had my surgery, had no complications and I was gone BEFORE this man was able to leave back home. He looked fine to me, honestly. He complained of a little back pain if I rememebr correctly... but he looked good after 2 surgeries! He stayed there for 2 weeks in mexico to make sure there were no complications. The staff treated him WONDEFUL and kept him there to make sure he was healthy!!!

I hope this woman has a speedy recovery but I don't bame her condition on Dr. Almanza. Complications happen, we ALL know that! Obviously the care received my Dr. Almanza's staff was above satisfication for the two previous patients that reccomended our doctor to this woman. I so feel for her and hope she recovers soon!

Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 4/15/10 1:37 am
Topic: RE: Hmmm... would I do it all over again?
All of our smaller butts have made room.... ;)

Welcome to the losers bench!
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/25/10 12:40 pm
Topic: RE: Registering your trip with the State Department.
Just noticed all this info in my passport as well. :)

I registered my trip. I am leaving on Wednesday!!!!!!!!
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/25/10 1:28 am
Topic: RE: Registering your trip with the State Department.
Wow, great idea! I 'm gonna check it out!
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/22/10 3:47 am
Topic: RE: How long did you stay?
I'd be going nuts with 2.5 months to go. I have 10 days to go.. and I am ready NOW! lol

Its been a little rainy here today in LA... no snow here! Last week we had gorgeous 70-80 degree weather! Hoping for a warm mexico week... Hopefully its not TOO hot for you in the summer. :)

Just made plans with the hubby for Cheesecake factory this weekend... for my LAST good meal. ;) lol
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/22/10 1:56 am
Topic: RE: How long did you stay?
Yumm... cheesecake! HAHA

Now I am gonna head to the cheesecake factory once before I go! HAHA They have an amazing eggroll appetizer. SO YUM! Their portions are so crazy big!

I would go nuts waiting 5 months. As it is I have been contacting my coordinator like a crazy woman asking if anyone has cancelled before my date and if so if I can have their date. no luck tho. lol

I only have to do a 3 day pre-op diet... 2 weeks sounds AWFUL! But imagine all that you will lose. ;)
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/22/10 1:53 am
Topic: RE: Hotels near Dr. Almanza's office
OH NO! Maybe you should go through Shirley?

I put down my deposit and still had a bunch of questions for her... She's been quick in all replies. I paid in full the other day... and she responded thanking me immediately. 

And that is the coporate code I have... although I dont know if we can post it here... lol

So sorry she hasn't been quick in replies. I have had a couple that go unanswered for a short period, but she has been great really. Even put up with all my date changes and my constant questioning of any cancellations. I was persistent in getting an earlier date. lol

Ohh, and another girl here said shirley sent an email to ALL patients of Dr. Almanza that they were to do a mandatory 7 day liquid only pre-op diet... I never got one. I asked Melissa if this applies to me as well and 16 hours later I got a response saying I just had to eat light for 3 days prior (lower BMI). Did you get that email??? Maybe she is having a bad week, or doing a lot in office? She is still pretty quick with my responses. ;)

Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/22/10 1:14 am
Topic: RE: How long did you stay?
HAHAHA I feel for you! I know how you feel.

Its so horrible but I have used this surgery as an excuse to eat what I want until my preop diet. BAD, I know! For the first time... I haven't felt guilty about eating. lol

If only we could eat while on "vacation". lol
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/22/10 12:53 am
Topic: RE: Hotels near Dr. Almanza's office
I booked my room already and did get the corporate rate. Melissa can give you the number and you can go online and book your room. Worked just fine for me $89, w. tax $100. Its the hotel on Pacific Highway. There are two. The discount is for the PH hotel. Maybe you called the sea world hampton inn?
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

on 2/22/10 12:46 am
Topic: RE: How long did you stay?
Wow, 10 days...

I am arriving March 3rd in the evening, spending the night in a San Diego hotel, getting picked up the morning of March 4th and heading in for surgery the same day. I get to leave on the 7th. So a total of 4 days, 4 nights for me.
Sleeved 3-4-2010 SW: 205 CW: 130ish Height: 5'6" Goal: ACHIEVED!
Plastics on 6-20-2011 with Dr. Lara - TT, BA, BL & Lipo :)

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