Approved today and Now Terrified

on 4/13/06 11:55 am - Rockford, IL
What a wild ride. March 30 I was denied. I called the Med. Review Manager at the insurance company and asked for some clarification about a few issues and told him where in the documents he could find information. Then after talking with the surgeon's office, they thought it wasn't going to happen after their conversation with the ins. co. I immediately started investigating the best surgeons in Mexico. HOWEVER- Today I got an approval letter without even a formal appeal. At first I was so excited, but now I am terrified and wonder if I selected the right surgery. I had changed my mind to Lapband when I thought I would never be approved and have to self-pay. I thought I could perhaps come up with the money for Lapband, but now I am approved for RNY and not sure what to do. I need help and input.HELP????????????? The people on this forum have always been so sensitive and informative. Kim M
LinZhi's Mum
on 4/13/06 10:19 pm - Wadsworth, OH
RNY on 11/30/05 with
Kim, First of all, Congratulations!! I am so proud for you! what a relief!! The desicion to go Lap band, vs. RNY is very much a personal one. They are both tools to help us. Both will take committment and working a program. I can tell you what Dr. Joya believes somewhat. If you are a volume eater....and sweets are not major factor in your diet...then the band can be successful. IF you love sweets...junk food, he does not always recommend the band. Junk food, sweets, candy, chips, milkshakes...goes thru the band without much a problem!! This is just a rough gage that he goes by. Everyone is different and I suggesst you research, research and research. Maybe go to the lapband board too. Goodluck in your journey, we will always be here to support you in your descision. Hugs, Sandy
on 4/14/06 1:41 am - Hinton, IA
RNY on 08/09/05 with
What great news!! Well, it is a big decision. This is just my opinion and how I felt. I feel like this: rearrange what I already have, but don't put anything in me that is not mine!! But just remember, we all have to make the right decision for ourselves. Noone can tell you what to do. I had the RNY and have had no problems. But, it is a life changing thing. There are somethings I still can not handle. But then the rewards out weight any food that I can not have!! Good luck in your decision and go with what you want!!! Take care. Jen 275/183/150?
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