looking for the right doctor

on 3/7/06 12:50 am - quincy, CA
hi everyone, i have been haunting this sight for a while now and would really like some input. i am selfpay so i need to fing a doctor who is reasonable in his prices, so i went sounth of the border wow what a difference! he only problem i am having now is which one to choose. they all have some good some bad so how do you choose? thank you
on 3/7/06 2:35 am - Katy, TX
RNY on 03/17/06 with
I don't think there is a right answer or a wrong answer for this one. I chose Dr. Joya b/c his price is all inclusive with the Airfare/hotel/Hospital/surgery everything... For me cost was just as important as qualifications. That is how I decided on him.
Kelli ~.
on 3/7/06 2:56 am - Atwater, CA
Hi Jolene, the best book to buy or to check out is Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies, it has a great section on how to pick your surgeon with the type of questions you should be asking. I bought this of course after the matter, I went to Dr. Aceves and he was wonderful. His bedside manners are great, he explained everything so many times you could give the speech afterwards. His staff is great, and the hospital very clean and orderly in fact the rooms don't look like rooms but look like what you'd have at home really with all the decorations and stuff. Anyways, there are plenty of good doctors in Mexico: Aceves, Rumabaut, Kuri and Joya...as well as others. You just have to figure out what type of surgery you are having, and which doctor makes you more comfortable. I know with me it was talking with many of Dr. A's patients, his patient coordinator and doing alot of research. Also, take into consideration aftercare such as fills if you are having the lapband placed. For me it's not that big of deal since I live in California and I have a place to stay in San Diego, which from Mexicali is only 1 1/2 away. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do Kelli
on 3/7/06 3:42 am - quincy, CA
thank you everyone for your ideas, i was leaning towards dr joya or aggurie (sp) more towards joya bc he does lap rny and not open. my concern is there was one lady that said she had mojar complications and while she was there so did two others. how can i check for other? or should i ? thanks again
on 3/7/06 5:11 am - New Castle, IN
Hi Jolene, I was curious who this lady was that had major complications and the two ladies that were there at the same time she was. How did you hear abou them? I to have chosen Dr. Joya, and feel ok with my decision, but when you hear these things it does make you nervous!! Thanks for your imput.. Connie
on 3/7/06 5:37 am - quincy, CA
it was here at obesity help on his profile under testimonials. it did make me nervous, but for the one person that said bad i am hearing way more good!! so i think he is the right one im just nervous to commit i guess. lol
(deactivated member)
on 3/7/06 5:50 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hi I think there is no easy answer for that. I decided to pay a little bit more but having someone who could do my follow-up here in California. Also he only takes patients refered from other patients and not from advertisement or from paid patient "facilitators". Anyway, I hope you find the right one for you. God bless, Tina
on 3/7/06 9:09 pm - MI
Hey Martina, So I was wondering what docter did you go to? In Mexico or the states? And if it was in the states than lucky for you to be a little more financialy stabel then most of us. So whats the problem with advertisement patient facilitators. mosteveryone in here who have gone to Mexico have recieved the 5 star treatment by the doctors, staff, and hospitals. You are making it sound like we are making a mistake by going out of the country. I hope that wasnt your intention. And if you did get your surgery in the US then why are you in the South of the Border forums? Not saying that you are unwelcomed in here but you cant come in here and starting mentioning things that would make other uneasy with where they are going to get their surgery. Well thats all. See you later and I wish you luck with your recovery. God Bless You Gabriela
(deactivated member)
on 3/8/06 4:53 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hello Gabriela: I still have tears in my eyes, but I guess it´s just my hormone cycle lol. I felt really bad after reading your post. It was never my intention to discourage ANYBODY from going to Mexico to have their surgeries since I am going there myself next month. So the situation is that my doctor is Mexican and has been faculty at UCLA in Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery. He is just starting an International Surgical Center in Ensenada, Mexico where he can perform the procedure at a lower cost. But he is going to stay associated with UCLA and will come regularly to LA. I was lucky to find this doctor, who will do my follow-up here in the US. You are probably right about me not being in the right forum, because when I posted about my surgery date, nobody care to give any support. I just wanted to be helpful in case someone else was in my situation and wanted to consider another option, that is all. Thank you anyway for you comments and wish you the best. Tina
on 3/8/06 7:33 am - OR
Is it Dr. Aguirre you are going to? My twin sister Cindy had him in May of last year and did excellent. Then I just had my RNY last month by Aguirre. I too am doing well. My recovery was slower than my sisters but everyone is different. Ensenada was not a bad place. If you have not been there yet I am sure you will like it and be comfortable. Will you be renting one of the Dr.s appartments or staying at a hotel? Their after surgery care at the appartment was just what I needed. I am not sorry for having gone to Aguirre. His assistant surgeon Dr. Estrella was a wonderfully kind Dr. as well. If it is neither of them you are going to then who is it? I am curious just because....I am also glad that it is possible for people who have to self-pay to have the option of going to Mexico. It is the only only way I could have done this. I wish you good luck and look forward to seeing your success unfold here on South of the Border and the regular board as well. Luna
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