Travel Question

on 3/5/06 2:36 am - MI
Well this doesnt have much to do with surgery although I am going to get surgery in June. But I have a trip to Florida planned in May. Me and my family are flying with American Airlines and I was wondering if anyone else in here has ever flown with this airline while being overweight. I wear size 24 clothes. I know I might need a belt extender but I wonder if thats it. I have heard that some airlines make you buy another seat if you are big and I havent flown in years. I wish I could had my surgery a couple months before this trip. But we planned this trip about half a year ago. Well thanks for reading this. Gabriela
on 3/5/06 3:55 am - St. Albans, VT
I had surgery last June at 264 pounds and size 24. I AM 5'5". My husband works for an airline, so we fly several times per year. There was no problem fitting into seats and I never needed an extender, thankfully it fit. I will admit I definately filled up the seat but was no where near big enough to have to buy another seat. Flying now is so much easier now that I've lost 100 pounds, I can walk down the aisle normally instead of sideways. Good luck! Bonnie lap rny 6/3/05 24/164/165
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/06 12:57 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi there We just flew to TX on American I did need an extention, I ask a flight attendant as I was boarding and she brought one to me after everyone was seated. I wear a size 24 also.
on 3/5/06 4:54 pm - Sanford, NC
Hi Gabriela American is the airline we flew to Monterrey to have our surgery with Dr Rumbaut in January. It was a very pleasant experience. They do NOT have a 2nd seat policy for people of size. In fact, I believe Southwest is the only airline that does, and I recently read about a legal battle they are in with a customer over this policy. Anyway, I was about 350 pounds (size 30/32) and my husband about 450 pounds when we flew. We fit into the seats (with the armrests up) and did need seat belt extenders. The stewardess are very nice and discrete about bringing them to you. One leg of our trip (4 legs in all) was in a 3 seat row with another person between us. It was about 3 hours from Ft Lauderdale to Dallas and I admit very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the flight was booked solid. All remaining legs of the trip they were able to give us an extra seat in our row, so we were quite comfortable. Good luck on your trip! Bridget
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