on 3/1/06 4:09 am - New Castle, IN
Does anyone know of a Doctor near New Castle, Indiana that would help, and know what they are doing for after care??? This is a big concern for me and so far I am not having any luck. I haven't talked to my family doctor about this. She knows I have been researching the surgery, and she even sent me to a bariatric doctor, but insurance won't cover it. I know she doesn't have the knowledge of after care.. (not to say she won't) I would just feel better having a doctor that deals with the RNY surgery aftercare...Thanks for any advice you have to offer!! I am a nervous nenny..LOL!! Connie
on 3/1/06 10:00 am - St. Albans, VT
I discussed this with my PCP before I had surgery. He was willing to follow up with me because you really only need labwork after RNY and sometimes a nutritionist. He has had many patients who've had RNY and he wasn't freaked out or anything. That's a good conversation to have with your PCP. I also know the local RNY surgeon and know I can receive care from her if an emergency arises. Up here in Vermont there is only one major hospital anyway, and that surgeon is there. So for me it was an easy thing. I also know that her office will follow up with me if I want her too. But I'm not going to drive there for labs I can get done at my PCP. I got obtained a list of all the labs she likes to do on her patients and gave it to my PCP. This same hospital does the lab work for her and my PCP anyway, how convenient! You are a smart cookie to get all your ducks in a row. Good luck! Bonnie lap rny 6/3/05 264/165/165
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