on 2/1/06 10:48 pm - Lake Havasu City/Boise, Id, AZ
We all made it to one year now.. I know that this year has been full of many changes for you. I hope things are looking up for you now.. You look GREAT !! I know you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to.. Huggs to you..... GerrAnn
on 2/2/06 1:59 am - Gresham, OR
Happy 1 Year Tami! You're doing a great job! Now put down that peanut butter M&M..hahahha. Hey, actually that will satisfy a protein requirement!! Well one year ago I met 2 people that will always hold a special place in my heart. It was a great blessing to meet you and GerrAnn. Kisses to the 2 of you. Talk to you soon Lisa p.s. here's a fun picture. Duane thinks he's famous now...hahhah! http://images.andale.com/f2/127/121/13839285/1138463150705_duaneandjake.JPG
on 2/2/06 10:09 am - UT
Hey Lisa: I LOVE THE PICTURE!!! Can I get Duane's autograph?!?!?! You know....I have felt lost without you and GerrAnn and everyone else whom I use to talk with. I'm needy and need my friends...so I'm trying to come online more to "bond" with everyone. I'm sooo glad I met you and GerrAnn in Mexico. I can't imagine my life without you both. I also can't imagine my life without this surgery. The future looks great!!! (((hugs))) Tami~ 268/183/120ish
on 2/2/06 10:03 am - UT
AHHH, thanks GerrAnn: Your so sweet! Life has it's ups and downs...i guess it always will. But, I'm learning to deal with things better. I'm soooo glad I met you and I'm glad were friends!!!! I only hope someday I'll look as good as you and the others on here. Ohhhh, someday!!!! (((hugs))) Tami~ 268/183/120ish
on 2/5/06 10:56 am - Spring, TX
Happy Anniversary Tami... You are looking Great... Tracy
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