Do any of Dr. Aguirre patients have Rosella's cell phone number
Hi Cindy - Thanks for caring - I've just been so busy with my newspaper I haven't had time to come on the message board. I'm one day past deadline - I have advertisers & emails coming in by the droves & tomorrow is Thanksgiving Anyway - the good news is that I have had the nuclear stress test - and everything came through just fine I am trying to schedule my operation for 12/20 - they're pretty frustrated with me, so are asking me to wire an advance, which I totally understand.
Once I get this issue out ****ep saying this) maybe I can be more active on this board - my newspaper is nine years old, At first - we were a once a month mailing to 2000 homes, now we are one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S., 500 new building permits issued per month, I mail to every single home, am now twice monthly - 2 sections - 44 pages and growing, every time we mail - there's 200-350 new addresses at the post office We're printing 10,200 copies & mailing to over 8500 homes. I've been doing everything with my son out of my small home office, billing, phone calls, emails, ad design, paper layout - you name it. I've hired someone to help but it's not nearly enough. There's a paper that's weekly here that goes to about 5 or 6 hundred subscribers & they have a huge staff. I'm getting stressed just thinking about it! With the holiday tomorrow - I'm trying to firm up ads to finish the 12/1 issue this weekend.
How are you doing on your progress? Everything going well? I haven't read anyone's pages since before I went to Ensenda the first time. My son is driving with me - said he couldn't handle the stress of waiting at home this time.
Talk to you soon (I hope ~Vicki