Going to Mexico Alone.

on 11/17/05 3:12 am - Chattanooga, TN
Due to the cost of companion airfair...I will be going alone. My family is very concerned, to the point they don't want me to go. From every thing that I have read...I think I will be fine. Can any one share experiences of going alone?
(deactivated member)
on 11/17/05 6:37 am
RNY on 08/16/05 with
I went alone. I went to Puerto Vallarta and had surgery with Dr. Joya. I was alone when I went, but I met some great new friends down there that were having or had already had surgery too. I'm sure you can hook up with some other surgery patients too. It would be great if you could find out who is going down at the same time as you and talk to them through e-mail first and make plans to be there at the same time. Check out my profile. I had a great experience. Best wishes Kina 220/167/130
on 11/17/05 6:59 am - Hinton, IA
RNY on 08/09/05 with
I also went alone to Mexico. Decided to save the money and take a real trip with the rest of the family when I felt better. I just did my own thing. I just wanted to be left alone while I recovered, but after I started feeling better, it was great to meet other people. I met some awesome people there while we were having surgery and recovering!! It is not that bad! Jen 275/203/150?
Sweet Faith
on 11/17/05 11:15 am - East, TN
Due to the serious nature of the surgery and potential complications I wouldn't go to Mexico alone. I was glad my husband was there with me, I was afraid I was going to die. If you are having surgery with Dr Joya you should read my profile. Good luck!
LinZhi's Mum
on 11/18/05 1:52 am - Wadsworth, OH
RNY on 11/30/05 with
Well Everyone, I waited a while to reply to this subject, most specifically Faith G. Faith, I first want to say, you do have a right to your opinions and experiences. First of all, going alone to Mexico has nothing to do, with potential complications, or death. Whether your alone or not, if things are meant to happen they will. Granted, it might be scary, or some may need extra support, as I am going down to PV alone, I know that if at anytime, I need my husband, he can fly down. But his presence can not change outcomes. Your husband being there or not being there had nothing to do with your compliccations. In regards to your profile and your CONSTANT reminders for readers to go there and read your story. I think it is important for everyone to read the truth about everything. But your story does not seem to add up to me and there are things omitted. I do have few questions. 1. The handbook provided by Dr. Joya specifially states....no foods with added sugars, he uses examples of protien drinks to specifiacally omit "Ensure" cause the sugar amts. So I find it extremely difficult to believe that he instructed you to drink Ensure, and if so, you should have known better. Did you do your research? 2. Did these complications occur while in PV? did you stay the recommended time Dr. Joya encourages? 10 days? 3. When these occurred, did you notify Dr. Joya or staff right away? Again, when was he aware, cause the complications you describe usually occur within the first few days, unless something occurred after intial post op days, in regards to non compliance. 4. Did you follow your 2 week liquid protien diet prior to surgery? Please do not think this is an attack. I am a Registered Nurse, and I take the medical field seriously. I have been attacked and my ER docs attacked, by patients with invalid complaints. I think its very serious to post such negative things about any doctor. You were well aware of risks of complications such as leaks, 4%. But "us" as the patients have to educated (by our research) to keep doctors informed and so forth. I seen one doctor here, that was sued over a death of thier mother. I was there, and they never never told us they just left another hospital and drove to our hospital. They omitted lots of information, Thank goodness that this doctor and his nurses DID document the information relayed to us. We provided the care as related to the pts and familys history. After the situation got worse, it had gone so long that it was very serious and she lost her life. But this could have been avoided if they would have followed doctors advice, and then when it came to us, told the truth and let us know what was going on. Lastly, I found your post to be most concerning, but on the other hand, I have not read ONE post or review that was NEGATIVE in regards to the RNY and Dr. Joya. I have read one poster having problems, place back in hospital and taken care of quickly, speedily and recoverd nicely and doing well. This was all done as a complication while Dr. Joya was able to see pt during 10 day post op period. As a person going to PV soon, I have done my research and feel confident in my desicion. There are MANY wonderful doctors out there, and we are so blessed, But these Doctors are not Gods. There will be some complications, and can be from luck to your personal risks. I think the experience is the key, but that too does not gaurentee risks. Thank you OH and "fellow friends and family" for allowing me this time to attempt to convey how strongly I feel. Faith, I wish you well, speedy recovery, lots of weight loss, and most important, happiness and good health! Sandy Brown
on 11/20/05 10:36 am - CRAWFORD, GA
i to wondered about the ensure thing but... when i was going to have wls in the states an d w/ dr. raumbut they do list ensure imediatly after sx. just like juice during the shock phase of no food you do need some sugar for fuel and to to keep from getting low sugar. so it doesn't seem that odd. i know once we start supplements and meals and protien shakes then we have to limit sugar drasticly( my spelling stinks soory). that was how it was explained to me by my nutrionist.faith should not be flamed we should all welcome any and all info we can get pro's and con's. i for one would like to beaware of all potential outcomes. i'm sure as hell not going to dwell on it. it's nice to be informed! i wish every one the best of luck nomatter what phase of the journey you aregoing throught!ooohhhh my husband just brought inthe mail i think my passport arrived !!!!!!!!yaehhhhh here i come dec. 15th.good nite everyone! hang in there faith!thanks again! v.g.
Dinka Doo
on 11/22/05 10:59 pm - Medford, OR
I have to say that anyone that tells their patient to have Ensure or juice right after surgery has got to be cracked. Just my own personal opinion, but the most violent dumping you will do after surgery is RIGHT after surgery if you add sugar into the mix. Your body doesn't need sugar. It needs protein. There is no reason to have anything sugary after surgery. How many people dump for the first time and think they then have a leak? Not a smart thing to recommend....regardless if you are in the states or Mexico. There are MUCH better post op things to eat/drink. Dina
LinZhi's Mum
on 11/23/05 7:34 am - Wadsworth, OH
RNY on 11/30/05 with
thanks Dina, I could not agree more. That was my whole point actually. I was thinking as much research as I did, I do not care if ANY doctor tells me to drink Ensure or sugary stuff, I would have to say no! "I" know that I should avoid sugars and want to especially avoid dumping. I was trying to make point that "we" each must go into this, whether is mexico, USA or anyplace, with knowlege, power and solid foundation. I am so thankful this Thanksgiving Eve, that I was able to obtain knowledge and foundation from this wonderful site, and the wonderful memebers here. Happy Thanksgiving, Sandy
on 11/18/05 7:20 am - Twin Falls, ID
I am not sure who you are having surgery with, I went to Dr Aguirre. I would never of been able to survive after surgery alone. I had my partner and my gramma with me and I am very thankful for that. I, however, had a few problems, none due to surgery though, that I needed the extra help for. If you are going to Dr A and need some more info let me know. Jeremy
on 11/19/05 3:57 am - Burnaby, Canada
I am going alone as well. I am not too worried about it. The advice I was given was: pack light, take only what you know you will need ie: pjs, change of clothes, toiletries, books. That's about all i am taking. Keep your suitcase on the bed and if you need help, use the nurses or the drop in doctors (at the hotel) as that as what they are there for. Leanne
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