Back home and trying to recover

on 9/26/05 9:54 pm - forney, TX
I had the hardest time getting over the surgery. I guess I am just different. I had such terrible gas pains,bloating, and nausea. I seriously wanted to just die. It took me about 5 full days to feel better. I asked myself daily what in the world did i do to myself. But I am feeling much better now. I dont think it was the surgery so much, I think it was being put to sleep that effected me the most. I never do well with recovery. Dr Rumbaut and his office staff are awesome. They came to see me twice in the hotel before I left. They went out of the way to make sure I was as comfortable as possible. There were a few things I didnt like. I didnt like the fact that my antibiotics and pain pills were given to me in pill form. I also almost died with a heart attack because of the driving in Monterrey Mexico. The roads are like a speed derby. SO ..... I am feeling alot better. I am ready to start my new life...Thanks for your prayers...
on 9/26/05 10:37 pm - Victorville, CA
RNY on 08/08/05 with
I'm glad you're feeling better! The first few days can be rough with any surgery. As for the driving... LOL!! It was the same in PV. The roads looked like they were just rocks thrown on the streets with cement poured around them and people were flat flying down them! I considered it nothing short of a miracle that we didn't get squashed flat by another driver. Good luck on your recovery! ~Audrey~
Idaho Bandito
on 9/28/05 2:34 am
Donna, I hope you are feeling better today. I am considering WLS with Dr. rumbaut as well, so I will stay tuned to your post op news. Take care, BB
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