Going to help Katrina Victims!
I am self-pay and was planning my surgery for December with Dr. Rumbaut. However, I left my job yesterday and decided to do something I've wanted to do since I was I child. I am going with the Red Cross into the hurricane zone to provide medical care as I am a nurse
I will need to use my savings, which means I will be unable to have surgery
Im so excited to do this as I feel it is my personal service for the LORD.
Pray for me as this struggle will still be with me. I am morbidly obese and the living conditions in the field will be difficult. However, like many of you I am tired of hearing myself say when I lose this weight I will...............start living. I am going with all my fears and praying for GOD's renewing grace.
I will leave OCT.1 for minimum of 3weeks. I am going to try and get some of the things I will need donated. I am going to try and raise resource money in order to purchase supplies when I get into the relief area. I will start in Alabama and then be sent out to either MS, LA, FL. They explained that I could be out in the field for days at a time with no food or water. WOW, scary yet everything in me says GOD wants me there. Pray that I can be of service for these people and that their live is better even if for only a moment.
I just wanted to share as I feel so much love, kindness and support from this site.
Sorry, my profile does not have a lot of info. and you may not know who I am but I know a lot of you by your pictures and your post.
Thank You for all
Renee Cox