Travel Question.....
Quick question.
I have a 2 year old son and I'm curious if he's going to need a passport to get to and from Mexico. I've gone into Mexico with him before and never had to show a thing, but I don't want to take any chances this time. Will a passport be needed or will a birth certificate and another piece of identification do?
Hi Lorraine, I've read quite a few of your posts but I felt I should reply to this one. I, too, am traveling with my son to Mexico on the 28th of July. Nina, Dr. Aceve's assistant informed me that a birth certificate and an ID should suffice. My son is 22 (yes, I had him young)
and does not have a passport. He will go with his birth certificate and Driver's License and all should be well. For a two year old I would think that the only other type of identification would be the vaccinations because I don't know of any other type of ID. Well, maybe baptismal certificates will be a form of ID. Let me know how your surgery goes.
Maria Pifferrer

I had my son young as well. By choice. I would have had him younger, but it took us a year and three months to get pregnant! It was a fun year and three months though!!!
I figured a birth cert. and some other form of idea would be enough. Up here in Canada we have a health card that's issued at birth. You get your picture on it when you turn 16, but that's the only other formal identification I have for him. I'm sure it will be adequate, but just wanted to check!!
Good luck with your surgery!! Let us know how it goes!!

I am really sorry! I don't even know how that got on there! My daughter, who is just learning to use the computer and my neices probably were messing around. I do remember leaving the computer on all evening last week. Anyway, wish I had some advice for you, but I've never taken my kids to Mexico! Sorry for the confusion!! A