Fills in S.E. U.S.??
I've noticed that there is little communication regarding fills in the U.S. I remember reading one message where someone gave an 800 number to call to find a doctor in your area that did fills. She said that the cost was $150 per fill, with the first one free. I thought I had written that number done, but cannot find it. Does anyone know about this? I'm researching Mexican doctors now and will be ready to go once I get the fill issue resolved. Help!
Choices I'm aware of:
1. Doctor that does your surgery refers you to a stateside doctor for the fills. (My surgeon, Dr Rumbaut does that, but I'm not having a lapband.)
2. Go to the American Society for Bariatric Surgery website and find a surgeon with "foll" after his/her name. It means they are willing to follow up another doctor's patients. The site is: and select "find an ASBS member".
Good luck.