Prayers Needed........

Lorraine Wentz
on 6/21/05 7:37 am - St. Catharines, Canada
I had some blood work done on Friday and found out today that my hemoglobin and iron levels are really really low. The blood loss from my menstruation troubles is the culprit. My doc isn't too sure about being able to get my levels up in time for my surgery. I'm going to stock up on iron for the next month and hope that my levels rise, and hopefully following close behind will be my hemoglobin levels. Fingers Crossed! After a month, I'll have tests done again to see where my levels are at, and at that point, I'll send Dr. A the results and see if he'll operate or not. I'm really worried that I'll have to reschedule the surgery and pay fees to have my plane ticket dates changed, and worst of all I worry that I'll have to wait for a later date. I know there are many here that have had to call off dates and wait and wait for a new one, and I see how depressed they get and lord knows I don't need to sink into my depression any further. I've been having dreams these last few days that have pointed at something dark happening to me and now I know what it is!! *sigh* Please, I'm going to try my hardest to get all the iron I can into my body, but I think some prayers from ya'll will help as well!!!! Cheers! Lorraine
on 6/21/05 9:18 am - Liberal, KS
Lorraine: Sorry to hear about your low iron levels. I just wanted to let you know that taking iron supplements sometimes causes extreme constipation. Just didn't want you to over do the iron and cause yourself some more problems. Prayers to you sweetheart! Charla
Lorraine Wentz
on 6/21/05 11:15 am - St. Catharines, Canada
It's funny you should mention that, I just now got back from picking up some metamucil! Those iron suppliments have been giving me a wee bit of trouble!! Thanks for the prayers!! Cheers! Lorraine
on 6/21/05 9:41 am - Osceola, WI are in my prayers! I hope you do not have to cancel. But if you do, I am sure it will work out....God has a way of working with us! Please keep your chin up and eat good things like liver to help your iron....and take those pills!
on 6/21/05 10:12 am - wisconsin dells, wi
Lorraine, I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best. Hopefully things will improve in the next month. But if they don' not get discouraged. I waited a long time and had to cancel my first date because of financial stuff and rescheduled. It will all work out. Take care, Tamara
on 6/21/05 10:55 am - Northwest USA
Lorraine, They can give you an iron shot which should boost your iron up w/in 3 days. It is not an expensive thing. I wish you the very best Hang in there!
Lorraine Wentz
on 6/21/05 1:00 pm - St. Catharines, Canada
My doc mentioned the iron shot but didn't elaborate on it because he didn't think it was a good idea. I'm not sure why.... Does it have some yucky side effects or something? I don't think he would have discouraged it because of cost. I live in Canada. Those kinds of things are pretty much taken care of by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Even wls is payed for by OHIP. Unfortunately to have it payed for up here means a ludicrous 5-8 year wait!!
Cheri Moran
on 6/21/05 12:53 pm - Big Spring, TX
Hi Lorraine! I hope you will be able to get your iron level up in time. I've been told that Cream of Wheat is an excellent source of iron. I have a box so I looked on the nutrition label and it shows 1 cup has 50% of our daily iron requirement. Maybe this information will help. Cheri
Lorraine Wentz
on 6/21/05 1:21 pm - St. Catharines, Canada
Thanks! That's great! Any ideas of foods with high iron content are welcome!! I didn't know about cream of wheat. I went to the grocery store and bought some hamburger meat (I don't eat red meat, so I'm curious to see if I'm going to like it,) clams, tofu, eggs, shrimp, dried apricots, almonds, salmon and some whole grain bread. Everything that I listed aside from the red meat are always in my usual diet anyway, but I thought I'd list a few iron rich foods for anyone else that may need some ideas!! There's a really simple dish that I love to make. I usually make it as a side dish for dinner, but lately I've been making as my lunch. It's so quick and easy. I don't know what the iron levels are in asparagus, but the recipe includes nuts, and is low in fat. It's asparagus with low fat/low calorie becel (soft margarine) and chopped nuts on top. It's soooooo good! Ok: In a sauce pan, bring to boil water and a tiny bit of salt. Cut the asparagus into 1 inch bits. Boil the asparagus for 4-5 minutes depending on the desired tenderness. Drain the asparagus bits and lightly cover with melted becel (margarine) then sprinkle on either chopped peanuts or almonds. Go for the almonds if you need the iron, but I find that peanuts taste the best. Yummy!! Thanks for the cream of wheat info.!! Cheers! Lorraine
on 6/21/05 3:05 pm - Kissimmee, FL
Hi Lorraine, Just wanted to let you know I'll keep you in my prayers every day. I know the disappointment of having to cancel and I certainly wouldn't want you to have to go through it. Hang in there, do what your Dr. has told you and with all the prayers you'll get from here, you'll be ready to go in no time!! Hugs & Prayers, ~Sharon~
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