Dr Aceves

erin o
on 6/11/05 1:02 pm - MOORPARK, CA
Anyone have exp with this surgeon.My mom is scheduled for june 28th to be banded. Thanks, Erin
on 6/11/05 1:39 pm - Arlington, TX
Hi Erin!! Yes, Dr. Aceves was my surgeon and I can't say enough good things about him. You can go to my web page and read about my "Mexico Experience" and if your mom has access to the web, it may be good for her to read as well. I also have pictures of Mexicali! http://www.tracyslapband.com
on 6/16/05 3:53 am - Mission Viejo, CA
Hi. I really like your web site! How did you get the sliding scale butterfly weight loss toward goal icon. I first met Aceves about 2-3 years ago. He's a great guy. Do you know many other patients of his?
on 6/16/05 11:49 am - Arlington, TX
Hi eric, I don't know why I didn't get an email notifying me of your post. I got it at tickercentral.com . I liked it better because I could change it at tickercentral, and it would change it wherever I had put the html code. I am on Dr. Aceves email list so Yeah, i know a bunch of his patients .
Maria F.
on 6/13/05 11:52 am - San Diego, CA
Hi Erin, I had surgery with Dr. Aceves in Mexicali too! I am very happy with my band and with my whole experience with them. Your mom will be in good hands with Dr. Aceves and his staff. I recommend him without any hesitation. Tell her she can join his support group there are many of us there too: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dr-Aceves-bandsters/ Mary
Ruthie B. B.
on 6/25/05 3:51 am - Spokane, WA
I was banded by Dr. Aceves two weeks ago. I had a great experience and totally love him! His nurse coordinator Nina is great. I'm still out and email her every day asking questions. I have no regrets! I'm down -16.2 lbs. Hi Tracy! MaryRuth
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