I booked my surgery in Monterrey on July 5th!! Anyone else going?

R N.
on 6/9/05 1:25 pm - Raleigh, NC
Hi everyone! Even though I don't post on here all the time, I read everything everyone is writing.. and I'm so happy for Patty that all went well! I scheduled my surgery for July 5th with Dr. Rumbaut, is anyone else going there around the same time? I'd love to know! Bye for now, RNiko
on 6/10/05 1:12 am - Lap RNY 6/13/05, WI
Hi! I am here in Monterrey right now. Pre-op tests on Saturday, surgery on Monday with the awesome Dr. R. The hotel is wonderful, the poolside is just great! Today and tomorrow its kind of a "last supper" shop and eat kind of thing! Then its just hours to becoming a loser! I think you will enjoy this place so much while you recover from your surgery. Obviously we will be gone by the time you get here but have no worries as Dr. Rubaut and office staff take excellent care of you and have every detail under control. Best of luck! Renee'
Joanne V.
on 6/10/05 7:04 am - Lexington, MS
I emjoyed Monterrey so much, I would love to go back. I did two full days of sight seeing after I got out of the hospital. I recommend that you get a "tourist driver" - it costs about $8 per hour and you get a driver and an SUV. I went to a water falls that is called the spanish translation of horse's tail (they mean the actual tail, not the ass, it is like cauda equina in anatomy, which is where a lot of nerves spill out from the spine and descend, kind of like a waterfall) and I visited these sort of cliffs with mica in them in a public park. He also showed me a view from up high across to the "Horse's saddle" mountain which is the symbol for Monterrey, and showed me statues of the founder of Monterrey, and lots of other stuff. -- Jody
R N.
on 6/13/05 1:30 pm - Raleigh, NC
Jody!! Thank you.. what GREAT tips.. I am going to definitely check this out.. RNiko
on 6/13/05 7:15 am - St. Albans, VT
Hey! I had my surgery on 6/3/05 and could not have had it any better! Feel secure in your choice, you will not regret it! Every overweight American that I ran into at that hotel was there for a band or RNY, some of them were Dr. Zorrilla's patients. I also met 2 patients who had their surgeries a year ago and were there for plastic surgery. I would not hesitate to go again, in fact when I need my tummy tuck, Monterrey is where I plan to go! This is the best decision you will ever make for yourself! I wish I had done it years ago when I first thought about it. Best of luck to you. Bonnie
R N.
on 6/13/05 1:29 pm - Raleigh, NC
THANK YOU all for being so supportive.. I feel SOOOOO much better about going for this surgery, you have all put all my fears to rest! Bonnie, Mike, thank you both for the support! I'll be keeping you all posted as to how it went..
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