Weird, but very serious post!
Okay, ya'll, let me assure you I have not lost my mind! I really need input though on this question. My tongue hurts! Not the whole tongue, just underneath where it connects to the bottom of my mouth. Each time I swallow, I am reminded that we use our tongues! It hurts everytime I swallow, which trying to get in lots of water, is a bunch!
Does anyone out there know if this is a sign of some vitamin deficiency?
Or, could it be the sublingual B-12's that I take everyday? They sit under my tongue until they are dissolved. I know this is weird, but trust, me I am SO serious! It hurts! It has been going on now for about 2 weeks. At first, I thought it was my throat hurting because I had a bad sinus infection and it was draining down my throat. But, when that all cleared up, and I really concentrated on where it was hurting, I realized it was my tongue! If I push on my tongue there it hurts as well.
Come on, any people out there in the medical field? What do you think?
Any wls patients ever had this happen to you?
Genie, You could be on the right path thinking the sublingual because thats what you have maybe done different since before it hurt !! Have you tried the B-12 liquid? That way it doesn't sit in one spot to long. I might even try not taking the sublingual for a couple days and see if there is a difference. Im no nurse but I do try to figure things out by the process of elimination! Hope this helps.
Red Head