Having trouble with my profile
Hi everyone!
Hope everyone is feeling well.
I am having a hard time with my profile. I got my pictures up, but how do I get my picture to appear on the side of my messages like most of you have? So whenever I post my picture will be on the left side of the message? I tried to email the help people but that was like 1 month ago and they never emailed me back. Also, i see that some of you have really kewl graphics once you go into your pages, I love tinkerbell and I saw a kewl page with tinkerbell in between each of the posts on the persons private web site on obesityhelp.com. Can any cyber nerds help me out here? I thought I was really hip and up to date on technology, but this really has me puzzled.
Ronda in OHIO
I wish I could help, but the only thing I know to tell you is you have to contact OH to spruce up your profile page. They are really busy right now, so I don't know how much longer it would be. Maybe you could call and ask them to check and make sure your request wasn't lost or something. I wish I knew how to do all that neat stuff. But the OH people were even responsible for putting my picture on my posts. Good luck to you!