I'M 1/2 WAY HOME!!!!!!!!!
Hey Cathy
I'm so glad you got the name thing worked out.. That had me confused at first!!! I agree totally with you about the g-tube and staples..I personally felt that they were torturing me when they took out the staples.. I kept giving Dr. Estrella a bad time about it.. The surgery was the easiest of the two for me.. Everyday is a new day..And a better one! Glad to hear that yours are getting brighter..
244/222/ 13 inches
I came home early & had my local doctor take out my staples. It didn't hurt at all, but he did take them out one day early because the skin was growing up around them - it probably would have hurt more the next day. I am so glad that the surgery is over. I had a lot of back pain with my surgery and that is finally going away & I can sleep at night, so life is good! I know that you are looking forward to coming home - being home helps you recover so much!!! Congratulations on crossing over to the loser side!