Home at last and doing great!
I left Ensenada this morning. I got back to St. Louis a little after 5pm. It is great to back home in familiar surroundings.
I just weighed myself, to my delight it appears that I have lost 24 lbs since the day I left STL and went to Mexico. I was 340, now the scale says 316!
This gives me a lot of confidence and more determination not to 'cheat' on the diet.
I am not usually the type to take baths, opting for showers. I got home and soaked in the hot tub for a good while. With the low water pressure at the hotel, it is hard to even get wet there.
On another note, A woman named Paulette was to be picked up by Bambi today. I have not seen here her on the forum.
Randy...becoming a BIG loser and proud of it!
Way to go Randy!!
I'm glad you had an easy trip. I hated the showers down there. The water was SO HARD that my skin is still sore. Take it easy during your first few days. I felt great yesterday and did lots, and today I was a GIANT lump. Would you believe it is freakin' raining here...I can't get away from it! Dennis say****oo.
Keep us posted you Loser!
Sue in ID
You have answered a concern of mine. The top portions of my legs hurt, kind of a stinging sensation, sometimes if I move my left leg it feels either like pins are being stuck in them or that hairs are being yanked out. I was thinking it was from the abrasion of the bed sheets and spending much of the time in bed. I hope you are right in that it was the hard water. At least I am confident that it will heal itself soon.
I wonder if lotion would help out?
BTW it was raining from the boarder crossing into San Diego this morning.
Take care,
I did ok while I was in Mexico. I was just sore from the surgery.
The first day after I got home I felt good I went grocery shopping, got a haircut, went to the urgent care clinic to get the last half of the staples out.
That changed that evening. I tried to drink a little grape juice that was labeled lo-carb and no sugar added. I immediatey went into dumping mode. I was dizzy, nautious, and started to feel gas pains. I had a horrible night last night and early into the morning today. I spent more time hovered over the sink and toilet than in bed. I was bloated with gas. It hurt like hell. Later this morning and this afternoon it let up a little. I am now only on my 2nd 16 oz glass of water, have not eaten anything at all. Just the thought of food upsets my stomach.
Walking seems to help a little, but I feel so weak I can not walk very far. Earlier today I was going upstairs to bed, I walked from the kitchen to the stairs and had to stop and rest before going up.
I went to WalMart to get some Extra Strength GasX chewables to see if that would help. It seems to help a little. At this moment I am having strong hiccups.
I am going to try to eat a little bit of Fat Free yogurt to see if that will settle my stomach.
Well I could only take 2 spoons full of yogurt, got queasy and thought I would barf if I went on.
I tried taking some liquid Tylenol for backpain. I got half of the dose cup down and the hurried to the bathroom. It came back up.
Going to try the Tylenol agin, this time chase each little sip with water.
--That seemed to be the way to do it, just take a littel sip of medication and immediately chase with water. Still down after about 10 minutes.
I knew there would be good days and bad days, put this one in the bad days column...