Introducing Myself
Hi - my name is Vicki, I live in AZ and have been reading profiles on this site for a few years. As with most everyone I've been overweight most of my life. Each year I get heavier and heavier. I'm 53, married, with 2 older stepdaughters, two sons - 24 & 20 and 3 grandchildren. I publish a newspaper in our community and have worked hard at it for the last eight years, which means spending a lot of time in front of the computer. I average sixty hours a week. I publish twice a month, the issue I did this week - I wound up staying up for over 40 hours straight. This lack of activity has contributed to my not being able to walk any distance at all. This then is affecting all of my life, I find myself not wanting to go anywhere, my husband does all the grocery shopping, and I'm having others cover local events for me that normally I would attend as the newspaper editor. I've always been very involved in the community. Each time I go somewhere, it's such an effort, I have to keep sitting down, it tires me out for days.
I now weigh around 310. I have an appt for surgery with Dr. Aguirre on Oct 28. I just want to say how impressed I am with everyone's profiles and the detailed information you've made available to everyone. You're wonderful people. As with most everyone who has chosen to go to Mexico, my insurance has a weight exclusion, so I am a self pay. A friend will drive with me to Ensanada (sp??) and stay with me there. I haven't made a reservation for a room yet - how soon should I do that? I was told the apartment isn't available at that time.
I'm not sure how to start the profile page - I guess a lot of what I posted here is what should actually be on my page??? Can anyone help me with that?
Regards, Vicki
Hi Vicki, You made the best decision. Dr. Aguirre is wonderful. You will not regret your decision, ever! The best hotel in Ensenada is the Hotel Coral. It is about $135.00 a night but the rest of the hotels are pretty run down. I do have to say I am quite high maintanence when it comes to hotels so you may like some of the others. Many people have stayed at the Villa Fontana.
As far as your profile goes you need to sign in and then go to the "my profile" section. You will be guided through the rest.
Good luck and if you need anything anyone, everyone in Dr. Aguirre's forum will be happy to answer.

Dear Vicki,
I applaud your decision to go through with your surgery. It will give you a new life. And, you deserve it.
I returned last week from Bogota, Columbia having completed my surgery with Dr. Alvaro Valencia at They were wonderful and offer a full package deal with hotel, surgery, nurses etc. I am very happy so far and I know you will be too.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a successful and speedy recovery. Go for it!!!!
Hi Vicki, Congratulations on having your surgery and choosing
Dr. Aguirre. I had my surgery Feb 27 -80lbs and I know that you will be very happy with your choice. I stayed at the Coral Marina (very nice) but if you go to Kat's website, she lists information about almsot all of the Hotels and phone numbers. To keep our costs down, we stayed at El Cid for the night prior to my surgery and my hubby stayed there while I was in the hospital (my hubby just needed a place to shower and sleep) and then when I was released we went to the Coral Marina. Dot
Hello Vicki, you can get a discount at the hotel coral. I think it is on my profile. My room was 117.00 and 127.00 on Fri & Sat stay. I got the jr. suite so I could walk in my room. The beds are still hard but they will give you extra pillows and give you bottled water. I would book now because they get full. I have lost 57lbs. so far. I just wished I had done this earlier. Take care. Debbie