Lap vs RNY(lap)
The fills are NOT a problem in the US if you go to the right doctor in Mexico. My doctor, ( Dr. Aceves) provides you with a doctor for fills in the US BEFORE you have surgery. His office actually calls them and finds out if they can take you. Most doctors in Mexico don't charge you for the fills.
The posts you see on people looking for a fill is usually because they went to a doctor that charges less and doesn't provide the help with the post op care.
Like everything there are good service providers and bad.
lap band-dr aceves
Sandy -
This is wonderful news, indeed! I didn't know that any of the docs provided that sort of service, but it is great to hear that Dr. Aceves does this. I know if I were to be looking to be banded that would make a huge difference to me. I'm glad you posted this information. If/when someone comes asking about it on other boards now I will be able to reference this info. Thanks!
I went to Mexico, I have access to 12 different surgeons who do fills within a two hour radius, however, I will go back to Mexico for mine because I love my mexico doc. Regardless, it isn't like you need a fill every other week so this is not the issue that some people are trying to make it out to be.
Lap band is routinely performed on patients with hiatal hernia and acid reflux without complication.
If you really want advice about the lap band or lap band performed in Mexico, I would suggest asking in the Lap Band forum. Then you can get educated responses from people who have had the surgery, rather than outdated misinformation from someone who hasn't had surgery in Mexico and doesn't have a band.
You have to consider you also live in Southern California. Everything is more accessible there, and a trip to Mexico isn't going to break the bank like it will if you have to make major travel arrangements.
The issue already presented is that there have been many people here on this board and on the Oregon board specifically that have had problems getting fills when they need it. Bands can get too tight to the point where not even water passes, as it did with one Oregon woman, who then had to have it loosened and subsequently had it loosened too much. These are part of the risks, and if you plan that you will not have a complication or need to go back to Mexico for a fill, you are making poor plans. When going out of the country for this surgery it is ALWAYS best to plan for the worst and hope for the best. There is nothing wrong with being prepared and ensuring that you will be able to get follow up care.
As for this comment: "Then you can get educated responses from people who have had the surgery, rather than outdated misinformation from someone who hasn't had surgery in Mexico and doesn't have a band. " I find it rather rude. I said nothing that was misinformation whatsoever and I have been very supportive of the band for those who choose it. The problem doesn't lie with what I presented. It lies with how you chose to hear it. And I *did* have surgery in Mexico.
If you are considering the lapband, you might want to join the OklaBandsters:
You also might want to consider Dr. Keith in Oklahoma City who has the lapband himself and has done hundreds of them and he only charges about $16,000 (I think) for a self-pay.
There is also some people on that site that went to Mexico and could tell you where they get their fills and how much they cost.
I had my done in Tulsa by Dr Pittman and I've lost 93lbs since my surgery 10/29/03. Since my brother-in-law died 5 days after having the RNY that wasn't even an option for me.
As far as the band not being as effective long term as RNY this is crap. My surgeon offered me two new studies that will be published over the next three months indicating that over a five years period the band has in fact been shown to be more effective than RNY. However, I would not make any decision without first researching statistics, and exploring all the forums on this website. Plain and simple, the band has far fewer serious complications and the statistics are constistantly getting even better as US docs become more experienced with the procedure.
The information I put on my post was repeated from a seminar I attended in February of 2004 by Dr. Raul Mirande at Merle West Medical Center of Klamath Falls, OR. If you consider it crap, then so be it. I got it from the surgeon's mouth....not from my personal opinion. Regardless, I still stated that the band is a good choice. Yet it still angers you.

Well, here is some recent information info posted today in USA Today. I am awaiting approval for a RNY but this is at least making me consider looking further into the lap band. It will definitely make you is not really a comparison of the lap band and rny, but it is information about the rny to consider.