Dr. Alejandro Aquirre & Ensenada Bound
Hi Everyone, As the Ensenada Bound profile under Dr. Alejandro Aquirre was deleted in the past few weeks by OH? (Due to a virus?) I re-created it with previously collected info. I downloaded from it & other boards in the past & added some new info. from Dr.A & Rosella, please visit the profile & add new info. you would like to share (or edit bad or duplicate info). Please make a note w/your name & date on sections added or corrected. Thanks Pete B pre-op 08/24/04
Anne, I was going to reply w/ instructions to the "Ensenada Bound" profile, but apparently it has been deleted (:
following is "welcome new member" email from OH & my reply...
In the past there has been a very helpful alias profile created by Latrisha Nickle called Bound, Ensenada (also listed as a member of Dr. Aquirre's profile). For whatever reason, OH deleted this profile ( I heard because of a virus on your servers effecting recently updated profiles). Yesterday I signed in under this name to try and repost as much info as I could find that was originally on this profile. This info was posted & I received several emails from OH confirming this. As of today this profile is gone, I have tried to search for it & login as the profile to no avail. WHY WAS SUCH A USEFUL SOURCE OF INFO DELETED? Is there an error on OH's side or was it removed intentionally?
"ObesityHelp.com Member Service" wrote:
Dear Ensenada Bound
Thank you for signing up on ObesityHelp.com yesterday. Were we able to provide the support and/or information that you wanted?
Hopefully anything that you were looking for was easily reachable from our gallery page:
If not, just contact us to let us know what you might be looking for.
Eric Klein
Founder, ObesityHelp.com
Ensenada Bound
I copied it onto my word program and saved it, if anyone needs this information that was deleted, here it is, hope this helps.
Anytown, AK, USA
Learning about surgery
Member ID: B1092787395
Email: Email Me
Web Site: http://www.derivaciongastrica.com/english/
Surgeon: Alejandro Aguirre M.D.
Click here for Ensenada's surgery support page
Click here to print Ensenada's cards
(You can print your own cards, and if you're good at it,
you can help print cards for your friends as well!).
Personal Comments
This is a copy of an original site created by Latrisha Nickle. (It was apparently deleted a few weeks ago by OH because of a virus on their servers)? This site is for the use of anyone to post & share Information on surgery with Dr. Alejandro Aguirre in Ensenada, Mexico. The password to the account for posting info. is:loser (in lower case). I have reposted info I previously downloaded (some old, some new some duplicates ? If anybody happened to make copies of previously posted info., could you please repost it on this site to share with every one. Thanks Pete B. 8/24/04
8:30 p.m. Central time zone. The link is http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/showpeopleinstate.phtml?State=TX
WEB Site Address: http://www.derivaciongastrica.com/english/index.html
Part of email I received from Rosella: "About the payment for the surgery the in the name of Marco Antonio Susarrey (Hospital)for $1,740.00 dollars and the other one in the name of Dr. Alejandro Aguirre for $6,760.00 dollars. If you already made them and you can't changed them, don't worry, we will accept them as this is a short notice.
If you have more questions, just let me know, remember that I'm here to help you.
I will wait for your response.
If you smoke, please quit.
Have a nice evening and take care
Pete B post 8/17/04
(I also received the following email info. from Rosella)
Dr. Aguirre's Basic Eating Instructions (Post Surgery)
August, 2004
The day after you are released from the hospital you may SIP water all day. NO FOOD!
The next day and for the rest of the month you my eat 2-3 oz. of soft foods. Some examples are: lowfat yogurt, 1% milk, cream of wheat, soft fruits like banana, sugar-free jello, broth, mashed potatoes, mashed carrots. You may drink Crystal Light and ice tea sweetened with Splenda or Nutrasweet.
When in Ensenada all these things can be bought at the Gigante grocery store. They also carry Wonder Bread Pan Tostado that is already toasted bread but is not as hard as melba toast. This often sits well in your new stomach.
Important Things to Remember about eating:
© Never eat in between meals!
© Drink water all the time!
© Never take aspirin! Take liquid Tylenol for headaches.
© No pills for at least one month!
© No condiments (salt, pepper, chiles etc.) for one month!
© No ice cream, soda or coffee!
© Take no longer than 15 minutes to eat!
© Do not stuff yourself!
© Do not sit in the same position or spot for more than 1.5 hours!
© Remember SIP and CHEW, CHEW and CHEW some more!
Note: More info, pictures etc. are available on Dr. A's web site (Link above)
The payment for the apartment has to be made, by a cashier check on my name (Rosella Aguirre) or by cash.
If you have more questions, just let me know, remember that I'm here to help you.
Have a great week and see you soon!!
You have to be here one day before of the surgery, to do the pre-op test (blood and urine) at 5:30pm and to have an appointment with Dr. Aguirre at 6:00pm. The day of the surgery you have to be at the hospital at 7:00am. You have to stay two nights at the hospital and you can leave Ensenada, (our town), the 5th day after surgery. The total cost of the surgery is from $8500.00 dollars, this includes medical staff and
hospital fee. The first half of the staples and the drain tube have to be off the 7th day after surgery and the last half have to be off the 8th day after surgery, you can stay longer to do that, if you can, of course that is better for the Doctor, because he can be there to do it.
I'm working with Dr. Aguirre, to give his patients information
about the stay, and attention to better service.I can arrange your transportation, and stay for you, I have two apartments available now, if you want to, please reserve one in well in advance because are very much in demand by patients. If
you have any questions, just let me know, I'm here to help you.
I will wait for your response.
Have a great day and take care.
Pete B post 08/17/04
Apartment Info email from Rosella...
.The apartments are arranged as:
·One bedroom with a queen size bed and an additional normal size bed.
·Complete kitchen
·A living room with comfortable furniture
·TV with cable
·Computer with internet all day
·Dining set with four chairs
The total price with nurse service is $125.00 per day,(if you need the nurse just 2 days, only those two days will be charged at $125.00). The other days will be $79.00 dollars per day with local transportation, and $70.00 dollars if you just need the place to stay.
If you have more questions or need more information, please let me know, remember that I'm here to help you.
Have a great day and take care
...some previously posted web links w/ great info:
http://www.mexonline.com , [Look Up Ensenada In Baja Calif.(BA)]
Dr.Alejandro Aguirre Wallace
Avenida Obregon # 1094
Esquina Con Calle 11
Ensenada, Baja California Mexico
E-Mail: [email protected]. (This is his new e-mail address)
Rosella, is his daughter, (this is who you make contact with to set up appointments or whatever else you may need).
E-Mail: [email protected]
Office phone: 011-52-646-178-3821
Cell phone: 011-52-646-170-0740
Cardiomed Hospital: 011-52-646-178-0351
(This is the way you dial the phone #'s from the U.S. you don't put a (1) first).
**UPDATE** 08/17/04 the price for Dr.Aguirre to do the surgery is $8500.00 starting January 1, 2004. You will now need to have 2 cashier checks for him made out the following way:
(1st) Marco Antonio Susarrey (Hospital) - $1740.00
(2nd) Alejandro Aguirre (Dr. & Medical Staff) - $6760.00
(Per Dr. A & Rosella 8/04)
3/1/04: CARDIOMED (The hospital)
They are upgrading Cardiomed. It now has an elevator and patients are taken to the second floor upon arriving. Surgery is still done on the first floor. Patient rooms have a TV/VCR (but all TV shows are in Spanish), oxygen coming from a port in the wall, private bathroom with shower, and electric beds. It appears that there are currently 3-4 rooms finished upstairs, but work is continuing in a large area to complete more rooms.
Dr.Aguirre became a general surgeon in 1983.
Under the education of Dr.Richard Catlin at the Sharp Cabrillo Hospital in San Diego, California. He became a Bariatric Surgeon in 1988.
Since he has been practicing in the city of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Always performing the Bariatric Surgery with stomach separation.
Currently he continues to practice the same technique with some small differences. This way, improving surgical time and with better and prolonged weight loss results in the long term.
At the present time he is a Member of the International Federation of Obesity Surgery and Member and Founder of the Mexican Society of the Surgery of Obesity, He was also licensed in the United States as a General Surgeon in 1983 and a Bariatric Surgeon in 1988. At this time he did not re-new his dues for the American Society of Bariatric Surgery. He said that now that he is getting so many patients from the United States he is going to send the money to re-new with them. He said it does not require any testing, it's just a matter of giving them the money and they will put him back on the list of Bariatric Surgeons. The American Society does not require surgeons to have any follow up classes or testing, nor do they follow the surgeon's progress. The International Society does however require Bariatric Surgeons to continue to take classes to stay a member and they also follow the surgeons progress.
Hi, my name is Rosella, I'm Doctor Aguirre's daughter.
We have seen that some of our patients are not comfortable in going back to their hotel after their surgery, and also, their relatives want to be close to the hospital and Dr. Aguirre's office.
That is why we worked on a place for you and your company that is 4 blocks (5-8 minutes walking) away from us.
We have also worked in nursing care to make it easier for you, hoping that you will feel better and more secure while being in our town.
When you come from far away, you need to fly to San Diego Airport. There are several ways that you can come to Ensenada, Mexico. You can rent a car, you can take two buses and a taxi, or you can have a transportation service that will bring you from San Diego and take you back. I believe this last service is the best option and I recommend it, because you won't have to worry about directions coming in to Ensenada to Dr. Aguirre's office, or on your way back, crossing the border.
The shuttle to and from San Diego Airport will cost you $300.00 round trip. If you need this transportation service, I will arrange it for you.
These are the different services:
When you arrive in Ensenada, or the day before surgery, I will see you at Dr. Aguirre's office, to meet you. And after you are done with your consultation, I will take you to the apartment and show you around. I will give you a map, so you and your company can locate yourselves, and feel comfortable going back and forth from the hospital and Dr. Aguirre's office.
Our driver will pick you up at your apartment and take you to the hospital the morning of your surgery at 7:00 A.M. He will also take you back to the apartment the moment you are released from the hospital.
a nice apartment has been acquired near the hospital and Dr. Aguirre's office, about 5-8 minutes walking distance. This apartment is composed of:
? One bedroom with a queen size bed and an additional normal size bed.
? Complete kitchen
? A living room with comfortable furniture
? TV with cable
? Computer with internet all day
? Dining set with four chairs
? Boost, (Nextel) that way you can communicate with me at any time, in case of an emergency or need.
This apartment is located in the heart of Ensenada and is 5 blocks away from downtown.
A nurse will visit the apartment daily during morning hours, to help you with the wound care, help you shower, take your temperature, blood pressure, etc., and giving a direct report to Dr. Aguirre.
This way we will have more contact with you after you leave the hospital.
This apartment is close to different restaurants, drugstores, a park where you can walk and do your exercise and markets where you can buy food and supplies. In case you need some kind of transportation, to visit the city or the surroundings, I can arrange this service for you as well.
It is very important to us that you feel comfortable and secure here in Ensenada, and we will do everything possible to make that happen.
I will be there to help you and try make you feel at home.
1.) Bahia Hotel: 011-52-646-178-2101
2.) Casa Del Sol Hotel: 011-52-646-178-1570
3.) Corona Hotel: 011-52-646-176-0901
4.) Cortez Hotel: 011-52-646-178-2307
5.) Villa Marina: 011-52-646-178-3321
6.) Plaza Fiesta: 011-52-646-178-2715
7.) The Coral and Marina Hotel: 011-52-646-175-000/1-800-862-9020
(This is a 5 star Hotel and Dr.Aguirre has been able to get us a better price at this one. In May 2003 he was able to get the price at $87.00 a night, you can call the hotel and give them Dr.Aguirre's code and they will give you the price, the code is: AGUWAL I know there are no discounts given for holidays and the regular price is $135.00 a night. This one is REALLY nice. It's overlooking the water, but it is about 3 miles before you get to the main tourist area, so you would need to take a taxi to go walking and shopping. It's more expensive than the rest but it's a 5 star Hotel.)
UPDATE ON HOTEL CORAL: As of mid-December with the discount, the weekday rate (Sun. thru Thurs.) is $97.50 + tax, weekend rate (Fri. & Sat. night) $120 + tax. This is for a Junior Suite with two double beds or one king bed. They also have a shuttle that can pick you up from the airport roundtrip for $250 that you must make arrangements for at the time you book your room reservation. (Linda Dale)
8.) The Days Inn Villa Fontana: 011-52-646-178-3434
they have a 10% discount if you stay a week so your price for that is $274.50 a week. (You have to reserve on the phone to get this price)
9.) Posada El Rey Sol: 011-52-646-178-1601
there is more hotels listed on the Ensenada website.
A website on traveling to Ensenada, Mexico from San Diego, CA.
Dr.Gomez is the "pain" doctor. If you need anything before or after your surgery you get in touch with him. His cell # is
044-646-179-0322 this is how you dial it in Ensenada. He will come to your hotel and give you whatever you need, at no charge.
Dr. Gomez will remove moles from your body during surgery unless you tell him not to. Since this was a surprise to me I thought people might like to be aware.
(Bambee is part of the services that Dr.Aguirre can set up for you along with some other services. He is who Dr.Aguirre recommends we use)
Bambee will pick you up from the San Diego airport and take you to your hotel and also to Dr.Aguirre's office (depending on the time of your appointment with Dr.Aguirre) and pick you up the day you want to return and take you back to the airport. He charges $300.00 round trip. Also, you don't have to use Bambee for the round trip; you can also use him just one way. The cost for that is $150.00, this is really a good idea for going back to San Diego, because you have to think about carrying your luggage, walking across the boarder, (they say that is quite a hike) so you will have to keep getting your luggage in and out. With Bambee he will load it for you and than unload it at the airport. So much easier that way. You need to setup using Bambee in advance with Dr.Aguirre because if you wait until the last minute there's a very good chance Bambee will be busy and will not be able to do it. You also have to pay Bambee in "CASH" only at the time he first picks you up.
As of late September, 2003, Bambee informed us that his price will be adjusted depending on how many people he will have to transport at the same time. If he has to bring a vehicle larger than his Jeep then he will charge more per group.
The numbers I have for Bamby are: Hm: 011-646-174-5660 or office 011-646-176-1318
If you stay at the Hotel Coral, you can have their shuttle pick you up at the airport and take you back for $250 for 1-3 people.
Check out their site:
Visit Dr. Aguirre's website for more information
Dr. Alejandro Aguirre Wallace
Bariatric Surgery Specialist
Surgeon Info:
Surgeon: Alejandro Aguirre M.D.
This is a copy of an original site created by Latrisha Nickle. (It was apparently deleted a few weeks ago by OH because of a virus on their servers)? This site is for the use of anyone to post & share Information on surgery with Dr. Alejandro Aguirre in Ensenada, Mexico. The password to the account for posting info. is:loser (in lower case). I have reposted info I previously downloaded (some old, some new some duplicates ? If anybody happened to make copies of previously posted info., could you please repost it on this site to share with every one. Thanks Pete B. 8/24/04 DR.AGUIRRE'S INFORMATION: Dr.Alejandro Aguirre Wallace Avenida Obregon # 1094 Esquina Con Calle 11 Ensenada, Baja California Mexico E-Mail: [email protected]. (This is his new e-mail address) Rosella, is his daughter, (this is who you make contact with to set up appointments or whatever else you may need). E-Mail: [email protected] Office phone: 011-52-646-178-3821 Cell phone: 011-52-646-170-0740 Cardiomed Hospital: 011-52-646-178-0351 (This is the way you dial the phone #'s from the U.S. you don't put a (1) first).

Hello everyone. My name is Don Crawford and I had my surgery on Dec 5th 2003 with Dr Alejandro, just eigtht and half months ago and I thought it was about time to give my two cents worth. Where to start, the surgery was easy I was back to work in 2 weeks with not the first problem. Nothing to it. Now the tale of the tape, just remember I work out every day since May 6th. Cardio every day, weights with a trainer 3 days a week. I have lost 192 lbs and have gone from size 56 pants to 38. My Blood pressure is 110 over 80 with no medication and I was on 150mg of Avapro. My blood work came back just yesterday and my cholestoral is total 150 wth tri at 86 and HDL at 46 and a ratio of 3.5 which is the rating the American Heart Assoc says is the best .And my body fat which I had checked in May was at 32% is now 18%. Can you belive this. I have struggled with my weight all my adult life and found this to not be a silver bullet or cure all for weight control but it did give me the jump start to begin my way to a more healthy lifestyle. I use the training called Weight for Life and find it very easy to use. I will post a picture in the next couple of days. if you have any questions email me [email protected] and maybe I will take a call or two.