RNY patients Open or Lap?
Mary, sorry I had not posted for a while and can see you have asked and gotten no reply.
Dr A. Aceves does the gastric bypass lap. I wouldn't know about the other doctor and of course the lap band is done lap as well. It is always a good idea not to have the scars but I believe the price does differ.
Dr. Aguirre only performs the open RNY procedure. I had my surgery on July 7th and the way he explained it to me is that he first learned how to do the open procedure. The lap version is relatively new and he said that the learning curve for lap would take too long for him to learn when he has already spent many many years performing open RNY. I think one important thing to keep in mind is that every surgeon out there has his/her "secrets" and favorite way of doing things. I have to applaud Dr. Aguirre for being very good at what he is most comfortable doing. The best thing you can do going into surgery is to have faith in the surgical team and faith that they will do their very best to take care of you during your surgery.
Best of luck to you with whichever surgeon you decide to go with !

As already stated, Dr. Aguirre only does open, and now that I have had it done that way I am happy it was. I think lap is great too, but I had my gallbladder removed by lap years ago and I was able to compare the two. I had no pain with the open whereas I had a ton of pain with the lap (from the gas they pump into you...it goes into your joints).
This surgery was a cakewalk compared to my lap gallbladder and my c-section.
Actually, you are offering misinformation as per usual. The gas they pump into you is CO2. They majority disipates within a few hours the rest is fully gone within 36 hours.
For someone hell bent on wanting people to make their own dicision you certainly spend a lot of your time trying to convince them that open RNY is the way to go.
Um, no misinformation. Where are you coming from? I stated my personal experience from when I had my gallbladder out. You are pretty arrogant assuming you know how I felt coming out of surgery with the lap gallbladder. CO2 is correct, but in layman's terms "gas" is appropriate as that is the way it was put to me when they explained the surgery to me.
You certainly have a problem with people expressing their opinions.
I *did* have a much easier time with my open RNY than with my lap gallbladder. My recovery was difficult with the lap. The gas may have been mostly dissipated after surgery, but those ensuing days were what were very difficult for me. I had a prescription for Vicodin and I used it after the lap. I took nothing after my open RNY. I have had chronic problems with fibromyalgia and extreme joint pain most of my adult life. I have had numerous cortisone injections in each shoulder and lived on NSAIDs for many years. The pain was always intense, and kept me from sleeping. The pain I experienced with that was akin to drinking a glass of wine - which would bring on the same pain, although not quite as intense. The CO2 brought on extreme pain that morphine would not touch. I didn't hurt from the incision, I hurt from the gas. I complained of this and this was also explained by the surgeon and nurses as being common. Should someone not have shoulder, back and chest (breastbone) pain, GOOD FOR THEM. DO NOT discount what I experienced as misinformation.
If anyone is guilty of misinformation, it is you, who is bent on disputing ANY opinion even slightly supportive of RNY. I do believe that rather large piece of granite on your shoulder is causing a kink in your disposition.

Whatever. You clearly have way too much time on your hands. Your opinions here are as equally useless as your opinions on Lap Band.
You can click on this profile for pictures of the open RNY procedure which may better illustrate the invasiveness of the procedure. Additionally, you have a relatively low BMI which will make a lap procedure far easier than if it were extremely high. However, I would wait and discuss the pro's and con's of both with your surgeon. It was also explained to me prior to surgery that although I was scheduled to lap, my doc would not hesitate to open me up if he found it necessary at the time of surgery.
AC -
All I can say is you are the most bitter person I've encountered here on OH. I'm sorry you feel so defensive over this issue. I support your decision for surgery and anyone's decision for whatever surgery they choose. Why that makes me the enemy I will never quite understand. Not once have I picked on you or the band. Just simply stating my personal perceptions that were in no way demanding, disparaging or belittling. Much unlike your own responses.
I don't feel remotely defensive over this issue, and as far as my "bitterness" is concerned you must certainly be far more intuitive than your posts would seem to indicate to deduce that from a few messages without knowing me. I for example, could say that based on your post you are the most idiotic person I have ever encountered here, however, not really knowing you that would be a rather bold statement.
As far as your responses, perhaps you need to reread your own words. You continually offer incorrect information regarding a procedure you don't have while trying to convince people to consider the procedure you do have.