Dr. Aguirre's Apartments
Hello Eileen, I had a claspable cooler and Bambee will take you to the store in San Deigo. We bought milk, yogart, cottage cheese and cheese to take with us. I did not stay at the apartment. My hotel had a ref. and they say dairy in Mexico is very gamey. They had coolers at the grocery store also. Good luck. Debbie
Dear Debbie:
Thank you for sharing with me. Yes, I think it would be a very good idea, too, to ask Bambe to stop before we hit the border and get some of those items. I'm going to look into a collapsable cooler, also. I don't know that I've ever seen one except for lunch box size. I assume you can put ice inside of it like a regular cooler? Thank you also for the good luck wishes! I hope your incision is closing up well, now! I'm sorry that your surgeon at home was so snotty.
We don't need that kind of support, right?! Bless you, Debbie